Paper 4          Paper 6

See Etymology of Coined Terminology.


Section 1: The Approach to God

Section 2: The Presence of God

p1: spiritual capacity of receptivity  See cross-reference study: Spirit(ual) Receptivity and Capacity(ies).

p4by their fruits See cross-reference study: by their fruits.

Section 3: True Worship

Section 4: God in Religion

Matthew Block suggests that the following author was influential in writing of this Paper and has prepared a parallel chart:

W. R. Matthews, K.C.V.O., D.D., D.Lit., God in Christian Thought and Experience (London: Nisbet & Co. Ltd., 1930) Wikipedia page: Matthews.

p2: See Topical Study: Intellectual Constancy by Chris Halvorson.

p2,9polytheism(istic) appears in eleven paragraphs: (5:4.2,9), (91:3.3), (92:6.17), (94:1.3), (95:2.2), (95:5.4), (96:1.2), (97:3.6), (104:1.9), (104:2.1).

p8: See Christ Names in The Urantia Papers by Ernest Moyer.

Section 5: The Consciousness of God

p6psychology appears in eleven paragraphs: (5:5.6), (99:4.8), (101:1.4), (101:2.17), (102: 2.3), (102:4.6), (102:6.8), (103:2.5), (103:6.1), (103:8.3), (196:3.23).

p6,9,12: See Chuck Thurston’s study of when personality is bestowed. This is a subtopic of Abortion and resurrection of the unborn.

p14: procreate  See cross-reference study: Cocreat- Procreat- Partnership with God.

Section 6: The God of Personality

p3-7See Topical Study page: Abortion and resurrection for the unborn.

Paper 4          Paper 6

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