Paper 15 Paper 17
See Etymology of Coined Terminology.
Section 1: Relation to Triune Deity
Section 2: Relation to the Infinite Spirit
Section 3: Identity and Diversity of the Master Spirits
p10: The one other usage of Father-Spirit is at 104:4.23. Father-Father is only used at 8:1.2. Father-Son is used twenty-nine times. Father-Son-Spirit is used twice: (13:2.4), (105:2.) The other two usages of Mother-Son are: (105:3.4), (158:3.2). father-mother appears once at 33:5.1. Mother-Spirit and Mother–Mother are never used.
Section 4: Attributes and Functions of the Master Spirits
Section 5: Relation to Creatures
Section 6: The Cosmic Mind
Section 7: Morals, Virtue, and Personality
Matthew Block suggests that the following authors were influential in writing of this Paper and has prepared a parallel chart:
Schoen, Dr. Max, “A Scientific Basis for Moral Action,” The Scientific Monthly, Vol. 48, No. 3 (March 1939) Wikipedia page: Schoen.
p9,10: See Topical Study page: Abortion and resurrection for the unborn.
Section 8: Urantia Personality
p3: See Chuck Thurston’s study of when personality is bestowed. This is a subtopic of Abortion and resurrection of the unborn.
p4: See Topical Study page: Abortion and resurrection for the unborn.