Paper 20 Paper 22
See Etymology of Coined Terminology.
Section 1: Origin and Nature of Creator Sons
p3: Universal Father, God the Father, Eternal Mother Son See cross-reference study: Gender Studies.
Section 2: The Creators of Local Universes
p5: Mother Son See cross-reference study: Gender Studies.
p10: dual-origin See also (19:1.1), (20:8.1), (21:2.10), (23:4.4), (30:1.29), (30:1.48), (120:4.2).
Section 3: Local Universe Sovereignty
Section 4: The Michael Bestowals
Section 5: Relation of Master Sons to the Universe
p9: With the help of a few other Urantia Book readers, your editor put together some quotes on the “signs of the times” and their possible relationship to the two eclipses we have crisscrossing the US over the next seven years on Aug. 21st, 2017 (Jesus birthday) and April 8, 2024 (the day between crucifixion and resurrection).
See Topical Study: Is there an impending judgment of the living?
The research above have also been considered in connection to a document that has become known as the “Unity Treatise.”
p10: Eternal Mother Son See cross-reference study: Gender Studies.