Paper 22          Paper 24

See Etymology of Coined Terminology.


Section 1: Nature and Origin of Solitary Messengers

Section 2: Assignments of Solitary Messengers

p20: See cross-reference study on undiscovered

p22metric conversions: “An enseraphimed being cannot possibly exceed the velocity of 899,366 Urantia kilometres in one second of your time. Massive stars, crosscurrents, and detours, as well as attraction tangents, will all tend to retard such speed so that on a long journey the velocity will average about 885,139 km/s.”

p9,24: Revelators is also used at 101:4.2, where the direct knowledge of the revelators in preparing these Papers is contrasted with the inspired revelations (presumably John’s, at least). Book of Revelations only appears at 139:4.14. John the Revelator is used twice: 45:4.1 and 47:10.2. The other two instances of revelator are found at 112:5.11, in connection to those involved with the preparation of this epochal revelation, and at 119:8.7, regarding Michael’s role as a revelator of the Supreme.

p21astronomers See also (12:2.1,3,5), (15:1.2), (15:3.4), (23:3.5), (30:3.2,3,4), (41:3.10), (57:2.2), (57:3.1,2).

Section 3: Time and Space Services of Solitary Messengers

p2Tigran Aivazian: “I have worked out the mathematical details of a possibility of travelling faster than the speed of light by interpreting the fifth dimension of Kaluza’s “unified field theory of gravitation and electromagnetism” . . . ”  To see the entire annotation with the proper mathematical notations, go to Tigran Aivazian’s British Study Edition of The Urantia Book. See also 15:8.3

p3: metric conversions: “. . . nonenseraphimed beings is 299,789 kilometres of your world per second of your time; . . . attain double velocity — 599,577 km/s — while . . . about 899,367 km/s.”
Note that the speed of light is 299,792,458 m/s.

Section 4: Special Ministry of Solitary Messengers

p4dual-origin See also (19:1.1), (20:8.1), (21:2.10), (30:1.29), (30:1.48), (120:4.2).

Paper 22          Paper 24

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