Paper 25 Paper 27
See Etymology of Coined Terminology.
Section 1: The Ministering Spirits
Section 2: The Mighty Supernaphim
Section 3: The Tertiary Supernaphim
Section 4: The Secondary Supernaphim
p12: Be you perfect See cross-reference study: Be you perfect.
Section 5: The Pilgrim Helpers
Section 6: The Supremacy Guides
Section 7: The Trinity Guides
Section 8: The Son Finders
p4: two and three: The pattern observed here suggests that it is harder for the pilgrims hailing from a superuniverse not expressing the nature of a particular Paradise Deity to recognize that Deity on the first attempt.
Section 9: The Father Guides
p3: Be you perfect See cross-reference study: Be you perfect.
Section 10: The Counselors and Advisers
Section 11: The Complements of Rest
p4: Be you perfect See cross-reference study: Be you perfect.