Paper 33          Paper 35

See Etymology of Coined Terminology.


Section 1: Personalization of the Creative Spirit

Section 2: Nature of the Divine Minister

Section 3: The Son and Spirit in Time and Space

Section 4: The Local Universe Circuits

p9: subhuman See “Were the Alpheus twins subnormal?

subhuman appears in three other paragraphs: (9:5.3), (42:10.4), ( 79:5.2).

p10: In 1955, scientists did not generally believe that biologic organisms could have a mechanism that is sensitive to such a subtle electromagnetic field. Now many migratory and nonmigratory animals have been found to possess such sensitivity and some researchers assert that human beings also can sense the earth’s magnetic field.

The Urantia Book asserts that the “bodies” responsible for this sensitivity were being discovered right around the time of The Urantia Book’s narration, which it asserts was in the mid 1930’s. In the mid 1930’s scientists did discover that ampullae in a sharks snout had tiny inner ear type hairs and that there were nerves running from these ampullae to the brain. They could also tell that sharks were sensitive to electric fields. But it took until the 1960’s to discover that the mechanism in these ampullae were extremely sensitive to electromagnetic fields.

Additionally, “In the 1960s, Caltech paleoecologist Heinz Lowenstam startled biologists and geologists alike with the discovery that many animals do what conventional science had considered impossible: they manufacture substances such as the iron-containing mineral magnetite [the most magnetically sensitive mineral on earth] within their bodies. Out of Lowenstam’s work came the more recent finding that many migratory animals, including birds, bees, and whales, generate magnetite within their bodies and may owe their uncanny homing instincts to the presence of this “internal compass” that allows them to navigate by means of Earth’s magnetic field.” Today, various biological mechanism have been discovered that play a role in allowing many different types of animals to be sensitive to the earth’s magnetic field. See UBtheNEWS Magnetic Sensitivity Report.

When Martin Gardner wrote Urantia: The Great Cult Mystery, he under researched the topic and failed to address the issue as it relates to all animals. Ironically, this led him to conclude, based on a report by a researcher who could not duplicate his results, that The Urantia Book was prophetic about human sensitivity to magnetic fields. See Wikipedia’s page on Urantia-Criticisms of Its Science.

Section 5: The Ministry of the Spirit

p4,5: See cross-reference study: Normal Minded.

Section 6: The Spirit in Man

p8water See Marjorie Ray’s presentation on water at the 2016 Scientific Symposium held at Urantia Foundation. Watch a video showing the peculiar relationship that your editor has to ice spikes or Halbertcicles, as I like to call them. Here’s one I call “The Spherical Cube”:

Section 7: The Spirit and the Flesh

p6: See Christ Names in The Urantia Papers by Ernest Moyer.

p7See The Lucifer Rebellion: Adjudication Time Frame by Chuck Thurston.

p9Seven Papers were sponsored by a Mighty Messenger: 28, 30, 52, 115, 116, 117, and 118. Seven Papers were presented by a Mighty Messenger: 32, 34, 40, 42, 54, 55, and 56. One Paper is said to be narrated by a Mighty Messenger: 22.

Paper 33          Paper 35

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