Paper 36          Paper 38

See Etymology of Coined Terminology.


Section 1: The Universe Aids

Section 2: The Brilliant Evening Stars

p8“Be about your brother’s business.”: Compare with a similar message Jesus received at the age of 12 during the visit to Jerusalem (see 124:6.15): “The hour has come. It is time that you began to be about your Father’s business.”

Section 3: The Archangels

p3: student visitors  See cross-reference study: Student Visitors and Daligastia.

p7,8See Topical Study page: Abortion and resurrection for the unborn. For additional study aids on this subject, see Topical Studies in the main menu.

Section 4: Most High Assistants

Section 5: High Commissioners

p3: Be you perfect  See cross-reference study: Be you perfect.

Section 6: Celestial Overseers

Section 7: Mansion World Teachers

Section 8: Higher Spirit Orders of Assignment

p3: 1955 version reads, “Andovontia is the name of the secondary Universe Circuit Supervisor stationed in our local universe.” SRT reads, “Andovontia is the name of the tertiary Universe Circuit Supervisor stationed in our local universe.” Explanation, “While both a secondary and a tertiary Circuit Supervisor are assigned to the supervision of a single local universe’s circuits, only the tertiary Circuit Supervisor is stationed within the local universe—the secondary Circuit Supervisor is located on the superuniverse headquarters (See 24:1.5-7). Therefore, if Andovontia is stationed in our local universe he would be a tertiary Universe Circuit Supervisor. A straightforward explanation for the origin of the error relies on the inferred use of the somewhat unusual but nonetheless valid abbreviations 1ry2ry, and 3ry in the manuscript. These abbreviations are common within several disciplines (e.g., grammar/phonetics, medicine, chemistry) and when used in close proximity to each other their meanings are clear even to the general reader. Though this instance is not located near similar references, this explanation transforms an impossible typographical error into common one–a single mis-typed character.”

p4See Topical Study page: Abortion and resurrection for the unborn.

Section 9: Permanent Citizens of the Local Universe

p2susatia (37:9.7) “These marvelous beings reside and function as permanent citizens on Salvington, the headquarters of this local universe. . . . and are closely associated with the ascendant citizens of the local universe, the Spirit-fused mortals of the Nebadon Corps of Perfection.” See also: (30:1.45), (30:2.120), (37:9.8,12), (40:10.4), (55:10.10).

p3: univitatia (37:9.8) Each of the one hundred constellation headquarters clusters of architectural spheres enjoys the continuous ministry of a residential order of beings known as the univitatia. See also (19:6.5), (30:1.46), (30:2.19), (37:9.12), (39:3.7), (43), (55:9.2), (55:10).

p12abandonters See also: (30:1.44), (30:2.122), (40:10.4), (43:7.4), (56:6.6).

Section 10: Other Local Universe Groups

p1647,591 architectural spheres: It is easy to arrive at this number if we add the architectural worlds of the Salvington cluster (1 + 70 + 70  6 = 491), those of each of the 100 constellations (1 + 70 + 70  10 = 771 in each) and those of each of the 100  100 = 10; 000 local systems (1 + 7 + 7  7 = 57 in each): 491 + 77100 + 570000 = 647591.

p3: spornagia See Topical Study page: Reincarnation.

Paper 36          Paper 38

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