Paper 40          Paper 42

See Etymology of Coined Terminology.


p2dark islands also are mentioned Sections 1 and 3. See Nigel Nunn’s “Exploding Dark Islands” presentation, which covers the relationship between absoluta, segregata, ultimata and  in the creation of ultimatons and how all of this relates to dark islands and black holes.

Section 1: The Nebadon Power Centers

p4frandalanks See also (28:6.11), (29:4.2,11,26,36,37,38), (30:2.107).

Section 2: The Satania Physical Controllers

p6: physics (chemistry) is used six paragraphs and every time it is used in association with chemistry. See: (12:9.3), (58:2.3), (65:6.8), (66:5.24), (102:4.6), and (195:6.11). Chemistry also appears at: (41:2.6), (42:9.1), (49:5.19), (65:6.1), (74:6.3), and (81:2.9).

Section 3: Our Starry Associates

Generally speaking, the information provided in this section is not what “science says,” past or present. Chris Halvorson contends and your editor agrees that this information is provided to help us figure out when we are doing science correctly.

p1: thirty suns nearest yours: Chris Halvorson notes that this number seems to be used to give us a comparison of our sun to other stars, in general, because a significantly larger number than 30 could have been given without changing the fact that only three would be brighter.

p2: metric conversion: “. . . of about 1.6 × 10(6) km, that of . . .”

slightly less: Our own “solar orb” has an average diameter of 864,575.9 miles or 1,392,684 km.

Antares, is 450 times the diameter of your sun; 60,000,000 times its volume: This suggests that polar axis is about two thirds the equatorial axis, due to the spin. This information is important for making more accurate determinations of distance.

one dozen oranges: According to Chris Halvorson, identification of the eleven closest stars to our sun creates a space with a radius of approximately 10.5 light-years. If the diameter of an orange is considered to be about 4 inches, these numbers work.

p3: Andromeda See Astronomy: Relationship between Orvonton and Andromeda.

p5See the UBtheNEWS Tycho’s Nova Report. The history of science as it relates to this subject is sometimes misunderstood because Tycho’s Nova was identified as a supernova before The Urantia Book‘s publication (Type 1 as compared to Type 2) but was not identified as a supernova caused by a binary system (Type 1a) until 1973, when Whelan and Iben created the modern standard model for Type 1a supernova.

p6metric conversions: “Some of the reddish, faintly glimmering stars have acquired a density at the centre of their enormous masses which would be expressed by saying that 1 cm³ of such a star, if on Urantia, would weigh 166 kg.”

p10astronomers See also (12:2.1,3,5), (15:1.2), (15:3.4), (23:2.21), (23:3.5), (30:3.2,3,4), (57:2.2), (57:3.1,2).

101:4 Limitations of Revelation. Consider that identifying the double star origins of Tycho’s Nova is providing a historic fact rather than teaching unearned scientific knowledge. We had to develop scientific knowledge to confirm the fact.

Section 4: Sun Density

p1metric conversion: “about 2 × 10↑30 kg”

about two octillion (2 x 1027) tons: The present estimate is 1.989 x 1027 tons or 1.989 × 10↑30 kg.

p4: 1955 version reads, “having become sixty thousand times as dense as your sun.” SRT version reads, “having become forty thousand times as dense as your sun.” Explanation, “Textual consistency and current scientific estimates of our sun’s density both support the change to forty thousand. The first paragraph of this section states that our sun is about 1.5 times the density of water, or about 0.054 pounds per cubic inch, and 40,000 times this is about 2,160 pounds per cubic inch; the current scientific estimate of the sun’s density is 1.4 times the density of water; 40,000 times that is roughly 2,035 pounds per cubic inch. The likely cause of this error in the 1955 text is that the number in question was written as a numeral in the manuscript (40,000 not forty thousand), and the error was caused by a simple keystroke error in which 6 was mis-keyed for 4, creating 60,000 instead of 40,000. When the text was formatted for printing, the numerals were changed to words, and an error that formerly consisted of one digit was transformed into an incorrect word. (The problem at 43:1.6 appears to have had an identical origin.)”

metric conversion: “The weight of this hot-cold gaseous-solid is about 61 kg/cm³.”

p7: metric conversions: “. . . a trifle under 1,600 °C. Its diameter is over 482,803,200 km — ample room . . .”

Section 5: Solar Radiation

Solar Song by Steve Clark:

p1metric conversion: ” . . . distant planets. 4.6 m of surface . . .”

p2metric conversion: “As you value energy and power on your world, sunlight would be economical at a million pounds sterling a kilogram.”

p3: From Wikipedia: History of X-ray Astronomy
“The history of X-ray astronomy begins in the 1920s, with interest in short wave communications for the U.S. Navy. This was soon followed by extensive study of the earth’s ionosphere. By 1927, interest in the detection of X-ray and ultraviolet (UV) radiation at high altitudes inspired researchers to launch Goddard’s rockets into the upper atmosphere to support theoretical studies and data gathering. The first successful rocket flight equipped with instrumentation able to detect solar ultraviolet radiation occurred in 1946. X-ray solar studies began in 1949. By 1973 a solar instrument package orbited on Skylab providing significant solar data.

“In 1965 the Goddard Space Flight Center program in X-ray astronomy was initiated with a series of balloon-borne experiments. In the 1970s this was followed by high altitude sounding rocket experiments, and that was followed by orbiting (satellite) observatories.

“The first rocket flight to successfully detect a cosmic source of X-ray emission was launched in 1962 by a group at American Science and Engineering (AS&E).”

p8: See cross-reference study on undiscovered

Section 6: Calcium The Wanderer of Space

See 2007 article on discovery of great amounts of calcium in space than previous thought.

p3: metric conversion: “. . . on the sun 9,600 km thick; and this . . .”

p7: metric conversion: “. . . a little less than 3,300 °C, this temperature being very favourable to the registry of the iron spectrum.”

Section 7: Sources of Solar Energy

p2metric conversions: “The surface temperature of your sun is almost 3,300 °C, but it rapidly increases as the interior is penetrated until it attains the unbelievable height of about 19,500,000 °C in the central regions.”

p11metric conversion: “During the active life of a sun the internal temperature of 19,500,000 °C remains about the same quite regardless of the progressive fall of the external temperature.”

p12metric conversion: “You might try to visualize 19,500,000 °C of heat, in association with certain gravity pressures, as the electronic boiling point.”

Tigran Aivazian’s videos with graphic representation of formulas for Ultimaton at Rest and Ultimaton Deindividuation at High Frequency Oscillations.

p13one billion trillions of atoms: the mass of such a drop would be: m = 1/3(2m↓H + m↓O) × 10↑21 = 0.01 g.

Tigran Aivazian notes: “100 horsepower … two years: assuming the value of 1 horsepower = 745.7 watts, we obtain for the energy E = 100 × 745.7 × 2 × 365 × 86,400 = 4.7 × 10↑12 J. Using Einstein’s formula E = mc↑2, we can calculate the mass of the drop: m = E/c↑2 = 0.05 g. This is five times greater than the estimate obtained in the previous note, based on the number of atoms in the drop. Therefore, either Einstein’s formula is incorrect (but then how to reconcile this with the statement made in 42:4.11?) or the masses of hydrogen and oxygen atoms are different from the present values or, perhaps, the revelators are not overly concerned with being absolutely accurate in such minor technical details.”

p14space-force is referred to in nine paragraphs.

Section 8: Solar-energy Reactions

p2: See cross-reference study: So-Called Scinece +.

p4Wikipedia: Crab Nebula. “Modern understanding that the Crab Nebula was created by a supernova dates to 1921, when Carl Otto Lampland announced he had seen changes in its structure. This eventually led to the conclusion that the creation of the Crab Nebula corresponds to the bright SN 1054 supernova recorded by Chinese astronomers in AD 1054. There is also a 13th-century Japanese reference to this “guest star” in Meigetsuki. . . . The Crab Nebula was first identified in 1731 by John Bevis. . . . In the 1960s, because of the prediction and discovery of pulsars, the Crab Nebula again became a major centre of interest. It was then that Franco Pacini predicted the existence of the Crab Pulsar for the first time, which would explain the brightness of the cloud. The star was observed shortly afterwards in 1968. The discovery of the Crab pulsar, and the knowledge of its exact age (almost to the day) allows for the verification of basic physical properties of these objects, such as characteristic age and spin-down luminosity, the orders of magnitude involved (notably the strength of the magnetic field), along with various aspects related to the dynamics of the remnant. The role of this supernova to the scientific understanding of supernova remnants was crucial, as no other historical supernova created a pulsar whose precise age we can know for certain. The only possible exception to this rule would be SN 1181 whose supposed remnant, 3C 58, is home to a pulsar, but its identification using Chinese observations from 1181 is sometimes contested.

Section 9: Sun Stability

p1metric conversion: “The great energy losses in the early days of a sun, subsequent to its attainment of maximum temperature — upwards of 19,500,000 °C — are not so much due to light escape as to ultimatonic leakage.”

p2The introduction to William C. Daywitt’s paper “Similarities Between the Dirac-Inspired Planck Vacuum Theory and the Urantia-Book Papers’ Concept of the Vacuum State” reads: “The Planck vacuum (PV) theory defines the vacuum state as a degenerate, negative-energy collection of Planck particles that interacts with free-space particles to generate the various equations of modern fundamental physics. And although the theory is not yet in the theoretical mainstream, the present author believes it to be the model that best represents the current approximation to the physical scheme of things. The success of the theory is due in part to its replacing three important secondary constants (G, ̄h, α) with two more-fundamental constants (e∗, m∗) in the various equations. In contrast to the PV model, the Urantia-Book (UB) Papers define a set of two fundamental energy states which will be referred to here as the UB vacuum (UBV). Similarities between these two descriptions of the vacuum state, the PV and the UBV, will be explored below.”

Section 10: Origin of Inhabited Worlds

Additional notes:

At Urantia Foundation’s Scientific Symposium in 2016, Dick Reim presented a Urantia Book-inspired reworking of the periodic table. View the video. Read the pdf.

See Frederick L. Beckner’s review (2001) of W.F.G. Swann’s  Architecture of the Universe (1934) as “source material.”

Matthew Block suggests that the following authors were influential in writing of this Paper and has prepared a parallel chart (Sections 4, 6, and 8):

A. S. Eddington, M.A., D.Sc., LL.D., F.R.S., Stars and Atoms (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1927) Wikipedia page: Eddington.

Dr. G. Gamow, “Neutrinos vs. Supernovae,” The Scientific Monthly, January 1942. Wikipedia page: Gamow.

Paper 40          Paper 42

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