Paper 44          Paper 46

See Etymology of Coined Terminology.


Section 1: Transitional Culture Worlds

p10See The Lucifer Rebellion: Adjudication Time Frame by Chuck Thurston.

Section 2: The System Sovereign

p3rebellion-tested appears twice. Note that these two appearances involve the highest and lowest levels of our super-mortal government to be affected by the rebellion.
(77:9.10) “The United Midwayers are a rebellion-tested corps, and they will faithfully enact their part in planetary evolution until this world attains the goal of the ages, until that distant day when in fact peace does reign on earth and in truth is there good will in the hearts of men.”

Section 3: The System Government

p1: two See cross-reference study: Two or (three/more), plus.

Section 4: The Four and Twenty Counselors

p1With the help of a few other Urantia Book readers, your editor put together some quotes on the “signs of the times” and their possible relationship to the two eclipses we have crisscrossing the US over the next seven years on Aug. 21st, 2017 (Jesus birthday) and April 8, 2024 (the day between crucifixion and resurrection).

The research above have also been considered in connection to a document that has become known as the “Unity Treatise.”

p1John the Revelator, used twice, is also found at 47:10.2. Book of Revelations appears twice in the same paragraph: 139:4.14. The other two instances of revelator are found at 112:5.11, in connection to those involved with the preparation of this epochal revelation, and at 119:8.7, regarding Michael’s role as a revelator of the Supreme. Revelators is used at 23:2.9,24 in describing revelators of truth, a role performed by Mighty Messengers, and at 101:4.2, where the direct knowledge of the revelators in preparing these Papers is contrasted with the inspired revelations.

p181-2-3 the first is mentioned four times: (45:4.18), (77:8.2), (77:9.4,5), (114:3.2).

Section 5: The Material Sons

p6Some time they hope to be granted virtually complete autonomy.: The one-word form is correct as the reference is to an indefinite point in time rather than to an indefinite period of time. (See Webster’s) Given the location of this word in the 1955 text — with a line break occurring between Some and time — it is possible that the original error was simply a missing end-of-line hyphen.

Section 6: Adamic Training of Ascenders

p7,8See Topical Study page: Abortion and resurrection for the unborn.

Section 7: The Melchizedek Schools

Paper 44          Paper 46

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