Paper 46          Paper 48

See Etymology of Coined Terminology.


Section 1: The Finaliters’ World

Section 2: The Probationary Nursery

p1,2See Topical Study page: Abortion and resurrection for the unborn. For additional study aids on this subject, see Topical Studies in the main menu.

p5: See Cross-reference study: Age 16, Child Mind, Childlike, Little Child, and Childish.

p5,7,8: See Topical Study: A Global Cataclysmic Crisis Event.

Section 3: The First Mansion World

p8: See Topical Study: Afterlife by Richard Daunt. “There are two relevant meanings to the word afterlife. It seems likely that the intended meaning refers to the remainder of one’s moral life, as opposed to the post-mortal life.”

Section 4: The Second Mansion World

Section 5: The Third Mansion World

Section 6: The Fourth Mansion World

Section 7: The Fifth Mansion World

Section 8: The Sixth Mansion World

p7: “coming up through great tribulation” See Oberlin Evangelist: June 4, 1845. Sermon by Prof. Finney.

See Tribulation(s) cross-reference study.

Section 9: The Seventh Mansion World

p1: See Topical Study: Afterlife by Richard Daunt. “There are two relevant meanings to the word afterlife. It seems likely that the intended meaning refers to the remainder of one’s moral life, as opposed to the post-mortal life.”

Section 10: Jerusem Citizenship

p2John the Revelator, used twice, is also found at 45:4.1. Book of Revelations appears twice in the same paragraph: 139:4.14. The other two instances of revelator are found at 112:5.11, in connection to those involved with the preparation of this epochal revelation, and at 119:8.7, regarding Michael’s role as a revelator of the Supreme. Revelators is used at 23:2.9,24 in describing revelators of truth, a role performed by Mighty Messengers, and at 101:4.2, where the direct knowledge of the revelators in preparing these Papers is contrasted with the inspired revelations (presumably of John, at least).

He recorded: What follows is the quotation from Revelation 15:2, except the clause “that was originally in them” and, obviously, there is no mention of the mansion worlds in our present text.

Paper 46          Paper 48

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