Paper 48          Paper 50

See Etymology of Coined Terminology.


Section 1: The Planetary Life

p1,2,7 chemical formulas, superior strains  See Topical Study: Health and Healing.

p2: See TED talk with Michael Levin on how science has detected and is learning to manipulate an electrical current between cells (separate from the nervous system) that communicates between cells and determines how cells behave.

Section 2: Planetary Physical Types

p13: In 1991, four UB readers published “The Science Content of The Urantia Book. On page 7 they assert, “There was no way to predict or to measure atmospheric pressure on these planets before the advent of the space probes.” This statement was wrong and the mistake was pointed out by Martin Gardner’s book Urantia: The Great Cult Mystery, which was clearly written with the intent to defame The Urantia Book and mock adherents. From Wikipedia: Atmosphere on Mars, “Spectroscopic observations in the 1860s and 1870s led many to think the atmosphere of Mars is similar to Earth’s. In 1894, though, spectral analysis and other qualitative observations by William Wallace Campbell suggested Mars resembles the Moon, which has no appreciable atmosphere, in many respects. In 1926, photographic observations by William Hammond Wright at the Lick Observatory allowed Donald Howard Menzel to discover quantitative evidence of Mars’s atmosphere. From Wikipedia: Atmosphere of Venus, “In 1761, Russian polymath Mikhail Lomonosov observed an arc of light surrounding the part of Venus off the Sun’s disc at the beginning of the egress phase of the transit and concluded that Venus has an atmosphere. In 1940, Rupert Wildt calculated that the amount of CO2 in the Venusian atmosphere would raise surface temperature above the boiling point for water. This was confirmed when Mariner 2 made radiometer measurements of the temperature in 1962.”

p17Excellent article relating “missing link” issues with evolution/creationist controversies, provided within the context of whale origins. Quick summary article on various animals that show land to water evolution characteristics similar to the pattern associated with whales. University of Michigan article on whale evolution and fossil excavation with useful images.

whales (61:2.11), (65:2.12) provide the other two references to whales, as a species. difficult whales of selfishness (130:1.2) ref: story of Jonah.

p20metric conversions: “. . . the average in Nebadon being a trifle under 2.1 m. Some of the larger worlds are peopled with beings who are only about 76 cm in height.” “. . . planets to around 3 m on the smaller inhabited spheres. In Satania there is only one race under 1.2 m in height.”

p22: chemical rays  See Topical Study: Health and Healing.

Section 3: Worlds of the Nonbreathers

See Topical Study: Aliens and UFO’s.

p3metric conversion: “. . . coming in at the rate of almost 320 km/s.”

Section 4: Evolutionary Will Creatures

p5See Topical Study: Food For Though.

Section 5: The Planetary Series of Mortals

p15: shame  See cross-reference study: Shame(ful(ly)) Lax.

p19: comparable to the pituitary bodies Consider the pineal gland in relationship to this teaching and how it appears in ancient carvings in the hands of Godheads and many other artistic representations of religious and cultural significance.

spiritual receptivity  See cross-reference study: Spirit(ual) Receptivity and Capacity(ies).

p21,22: See Topical Studies section: Prophecy, Melchizedek, and the Bald Knob Cross of Peace.

Section 6: Terrestrial Escape

p11-13See Topical Study page: Abortion and resurrection for the unborn.

Additional notes:

Matthew Block suggests that the following authors were influential in writing of this Paper and has prepared a parallel chart:

Henry Fairfield Osborn, The Origin and Evolution of Life (New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1916, 1917) Hathi Trust Digital Library copyWikipedia page: Osborn.

Paper 48          Paper 50

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