Paper 52          Paper 54

See Etymology of Coined Terminology.


Section 1: The Leaders of Rebellion

p5: Abaddon  Used in Revelation 9:11. “And they had a king over them, which is the angel of the bottomless pit, whose name in the Hebrew tongue is Abaddon, but in the Greek tongue hath his name Apollyon.” Etymology: late 14c., used in Revelation ix.11 of “the angel of the bottomless pit,” and by Milton of the pit itself, from Hebrew Abhaddon, literally “destruction,” from abhadh “he perished.”

p6bound the dragon (all the rebel leaders) for an age.: Note, however, the following verse, Rev 20.3, which reads “… and after that he must be loosed a little season.”

Section 2: The Causes of Rebellion

p5: insincere is used once and with regard to Lucifer. insincerity is used six times. See Topical Study: Insincere/Insincerity.

Section 3: The Lucifer Manifesto

p2: physical gravity Gravity Song by Steve Clark. (Maybe Lucifer should have taken more humor breaks when developing his philosophies.)

Section 5: Nature of the Conflict

p4: three azure blue concentric circles  This 18-second clip from the Disney movie Tron shows a disk with three blue concentric circles. “It’s begun. … This code disk means freedom.” And the truth will set you free!

Section 6: A Loyal Seraphic Commander

p1,3Manotia See also (39:0.9), (53:7.6).

Section 7: History of the Rebellion

p7In symbol John saw this when he wrote: Note that the quotation from Revelation 12:4 is not exact. The Greek (and almost all other) sources say “cast them into the earth” and not “cast them down in darkness”. However, it is worth mentioning that some ancient Armenian MSS omit the phrase “into the earth” and instead say “from heaven”.

p8: Original printing reads, “Of the 681,227 Material Sons lost in Satania.” SRT reads, “Of the 681,217 Material Sons lost in Satania.” Explanation, “The change from 681,227 to 681,217 was made because of the original’s conflict with following passage: “Since the inception of the system of Satania, thirteen Planetary Adams have been lost in rebellion and default and 681,204 in the subordinate positions of trust.” (51:1.5) Thus, one of the numbers is in error, but whether the 681,227 should be reduced by ten or the 681,204 should be increased by ten cannot be determined from the text. However, the typing error required to convert a manuscript containing 681,217 to 681,227 is much easier to commit than the error required to change 681,214 to 681,204–the former requiring only that the typist should mistakenly strike a key immediately adjacent to the correct one (2 rather than 1); while the mistake required to type 681,204 when 681,214 is intended, involves striking a key with the other hand at the opposite side of the keyboard (1 intended, 0 struck). The relative locations of the numerals in the standard typesetting case also favored the 2 /1 error over the 0 /1 mistake.”

Section 8: The Son of Man on Urantia

p2-4,6See The Lucifer Rebellion: Adjudication Time Frame by Chuck Thurston.

p6: Daligastia  See cross-reference study: Student Visitors and Daligastia.

p9See The Lucifer Rebellion: Adjudication Time Frame by Chuck Thurston.

Section 9: Present Status of the Rebellion

p2archdeceiver See archdeceivers 188:4.3.

p3,4,7See The Lucifer Rebellion: Adjudication Time Frame by Chuck Thurston.

p7: See Topical Study: Prophecy and “signs of the times.”

p8: that within every sin is concealed the seed of its own destruction Universalist Quarterly (April 1884), Article XII “The Gospel of Perdition by Joseph Cook,” by Rev. O. F. Safford: “I see nothing in sin, or in the experience of sin, which, in itself considered, necessitates the belief that it will always continue. Evil carries in itself the seeds of its own destruction.  . . .  I by no means exhaust my reasons for demurring from Mr. Cook’s assumption of the immortality of evil. My reading of history, including that of some buried nations, has confirmed me in the belief that evil carries in itself the seeds of its own destruction.”

Paper 52          Paper 54

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