Paper 100          Paper 102

See Etymology of Coined Terminology.


p3: true and genuine This phrase is used five times, powerfully: True and Genuine.

See Topical Study: Intellectual Constancy by Chris Halvorson.

Section 1: True Religion

p3thoughts vs. feelings Compare with: (98:2.8) In Greece, believing was subordinated to thinking; in Palestine, thinking was held subject to believing. Much of the strength of Christianity is due to its having borrowed heavily from both Hebrew morality and Greek thought.

p4mystical  See Topical Study: Mysticism and Entheogens.

psychology appears in eleven paragraphs: (5:5.6), (99:4.8), (101:1.4), (101:2.17), (102: 2.3), (102:4.6), (102:6.8), (103:2.5), (103:6.1), (103:8.3), (196:3.23).

p5: cosmology appears in fourteen paragraphs: (12:9.3), (55:5.6), (56:10.2,3,8), (94:11.12), (94:12.1), (98:7.6), (99:4.13), (101:1.5), (101:4.1,2,5), (111:4.4).

Section 2: The Fact of Religion

p2: Revelation compensates . . .: This passage is used in “Logical Consistency vs Personal Creativity,” a special presentation by Chris Halvorson, which was prepared on this subject at the request of conference organizer, Halbert Katzen, for the UBtheNEWS 2010 Education for Outreach conference.

p17psychology appears in eleven paragraphs: (5:5.6), (99:4.8), (101:1.4), (101:2.17), (102: 2.3), (102:4.6), (102:6.8), (103:2.5), (103:6.1), (103:8.3), (196:3.23).

Section 3: The Characteristics of Religion

p1cosmologies is used three times: (101:3.1), (101:4.1), (102:1.3). The three contexts relate to limitations and errors in cosmologies.

Section 4: The Limitations of Revelation

Halbert Katzen’s UBtheNEWS project, focused largely on the publication of reports about discoveries and scientific advances that provide new support for The Urantia Book‘s version of planetary history, is predicated on the authors’ assertion, “We full well know that, while the historic facts and religious truths of this series of revelatory presentations will stand on the records of the ages to come, within a few short years many of our statements regarding the physical sciences will stand in need of revision in consequence of additional scientific developments and new discoveries.” [emphasis added] See

An “Evolutionary Revelation” conference was hosted by Byron Belitsos in June 2014. This presentation by Halbert Katzen addresses issues related to the Urantia revelation’s progressive acceptance as this relates to how new discoveries and scientific advances increasingly support history in The Urantia Book.

Phil Calabrese’s paper “The Coming Scientific Validation of The Urantia Book is also based on the above assertion. His equations, derived from approximating the likelihood of being right on multiple occasions when most people were wrong, indicate an extremely low probability that human beings wrote The Urantia Book.

cross-reference: The Gift of Revelation (92:4)

p1: cosmologies is used three times: (101:3.1), (101:4.1), (102:1.3). The three contexts relate to limitations and errors in cosmologies.

p1,2,5-10See Topical Study: Health and Healing.

p2Revelators is used at 23:2.9,24 in describing revelators of truth, a role performed by Mighty Messengers, in addition to this context, where direct knowledge of the revelators in preparing these Papers is contrasted with inspired revelations (presumably John’s, at least). Book of Revelations only appears at 139:4.14. John the Revelator is used twice: 45:4.1 and 47:10.2. The other two instances of revelator are found at 112:5.11, in connection to those involved with the preparation of this epochal revelation, and at 119:8.7, regarding Michael’s role as a revelator of the Supreme.

p1,2,5: cosmology appears in fourteen paragraphs: (12:9.3), (55:5.6), (56:10.2,3,8), (94:11.12), (94:12.1), (98:7.6), (99:4.13), (101:1.5), (101:4.1,2,5), (111:4.4).

p2The introduction to William C. Daywitt’s paper “Similarities Between the Dirac-Inspired Planck Vacuum Theory and the Urantia-Book Papers’ Concept of the Vacuum State” reads: “The Planck vacuum (PV) theory defines the vacuum state as a degenerate, negative-energy collection of Planck particles that interacts with free-space particles to generate the various equations of modern fundamental physics. And although the theory is not yet in the theoretical mainstream, the present author believes it to be the model that best represents the current approximation to the physical scheme of things. The success of the theory is due in part to its replacing three important secondary constants (G, ̄h, α) with two more-fundamental constants (e∗, m∗) in the various equations. In contrast to the PV model, the Urantia-Book (UB) Papers define a set of two fundamental energy states which will be referred to here as the UB vacuum (UBV). Similarities between these two descriptions of the vacuum state, the PV and the UBV, will be explored below.”

See cross-reference study on undiscovered

Section 5: Religion Expanded by Revelation

Section 6: Progressive Religious Experience

Section 7: A Personal Philosophy of Religion

p4: See cross-reference study: So-Called Scinece +.

Section 8: Faith and Belief

Section 9: Religion and Morality

Section 10: Religion as Man’s Liberator

p5: See Topical Study: Intellectual Constancy by Chris Halvorson.

Additional notes:

Matthew Block suggests that the following authors were influential in writing of this Paper and has prepared a parallel chart:

John Baillie, The Interpretation of Religion: An Introductory Study of Theological Principles (New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1928) Wikipedia page.

Henry Nelson Wieman and Regina Westcott-Wieman, Normative Psychology of Religion (New York: Thomas Y. Crowell Company, 1935) Wikipedia page: Henry.

“Empiricism,” by Arthur Kenyon Rogers, in Contemporary American Philosophy: Personal Statements, Vol. II, edited by George P. Adams and Wm. Pepperell Montague (New York: Russell & Russell, 1930)

“Brief History of My Opinions,” by George Santayana, in Contemporary American Philosophy: Personal Statements, Vol. II, edited by George P. Adams and Wm. Pepperell Montague (New York: Russell & Russell, 1930) Wikipedia page.

Paper 100          Paper 102

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