Paper 101          Paper 103

See Etymology of Coined Terminology.


Section 1: Assurances of Faith

p1“Human things must be known . . .” This may have been adapted from Blaise Pascal’s The Art of Persuasion: ” I do not speak here of divine truths, which I shall take care not to comprise under the art of persuasion, because they are infinitely superior to nature: God alone can place them in the soul and in such a way as it pleases him. I know that he has desired that they should enter from the heart into the mind, and not from the mind into the heart, to humiliate that proud power of reasoning that pretends to the right to be the judge of the things that the will chooses; and to cure this infirm will which is wholly corrupted by its filthy attachments. And thence it comes that whilst in speaking of human things, we say that it is necessary to know them before we can love them, which has passed into a proverb, (1) the saints on the contrary say in speaking of divine things that it is necessary to love them in order to know them, and that we only enter truth through charity, from which they have made one of their most useful maxims.” Note 1: Ignoti nulla cupido—”We do not desire what we do not know.” See Wikipedia: Blaise Pascal.
This has also been associated with 1 John 4:8 “Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love.”

See Cross-reference study: Age 16, Child Mind, Childlike, Little Child, and Childish.

p5: sign(s) See Topical Study: Sign(s). Note: signs of the times appears twice. In both instances, the phase is part of a quote attributed to Jesus: See also, Topical Study: Prophecy and “signs of the times.”

Section 2: Religion and Reality

p3: physiology is used once.

psychology appears in eleven paragraphs: (5:5.6), (99:4.8), (101:1.4), (101:2.17), (102: 2.3), (102:4.6), (102:6.8), (103:2.5), (103:6.1), (103:8.3), (196:3.23).

See Topical Study: Sociology (+ all permutations).

p5: But mind can never succeed in this unification of the diversity. . .: This passage is used in “Logical Consistency vs Personal Creativity,” a special presentation by Chris Halvorson, which was prepared on this subject at the request of conference organizer, Halbert Katzen, for the UBtheNEWS 2010 Education for Outreach conference.

p8: Mysticism  See Topical Study: Mysticism and Entheogens.

Section 3: Knowledge, Wisdom, and Insight

p7: partnership with God  See cross-reference study: Cocreat- Procreat- Partnership with God.

Section 4: The Fact of Experience

p6: geology is used once.

astronomy is mentioned seven times: (79:7.6), (81:2.9), (88:6.5), (102:4.6), (121:7.12), (123:6.6), and (150:3.3).

physics (chemistry) is used six paragraphs and every time it is used in association with chemistry. See: (12:9.3), (58:2.3), (65:6.8), (66:5.24), (102:4.6), and (195:6.11). Chemistry also appears at: (41:2.6), (42:9.1), (49:5.19), (65:6.1), (74:6.3), and (81:2.9).

biology is used twice: (19:1.7), (102:4.6).

psychology appears in eleven paragraphs: (5:5.6), (99:4.8), (101:1.4), (101:2.17), (102: 2.3), (102:4.6), (102:6.8), (103:2.5), (103:6.1), (103:8.3), (196:3.23).

See Topical Study: Sociology (+ all permutations).

Section 5: The Supremacy of Purposive Potential

p1See Topical Study page: Abortion and resurrection for the unborn.

Section 6: The Certainty of Religious Faith

See Topical Study: Intellectual Constancy by Chris Halvorson.

p8psychology appears in eleven paragraphs: (5:5.6), (99:4.8), (101:1.4), (101:2.17), (102: 2.3), (102:4.6), (102:6.8), (103:2.5), (103:6.1), (103:8.3), (196:3.23).

Section 7: The Certitude of the Divine

p5: See Topical Study: Intellectual Constancy by Chris Halvorson.

p7See Topical Study: Sociology (+ all permutations).

Section 8: The Evidences of Religion

p2moral judgment(s) is used three times: (102:8.2), (103:2.8), and (133:1.4). ethical standard(s) is used once: (102:8.2).

p4: Original printing, “Ethics is the eternal social or racial mirror which faithfully reflects the otherwise unobservable progress of internal spiritual and religious developments.” SRT version, “Ethics is the external social or racial mirror which faithfully reflects the otherwise unobservable progress of internal spiritual and religious developments.” Explanation, “Changing eternal to external on the basis of an assumed dropped keystroke in the original, makes the sentence not only clear in meaning–by resolving the problem of the otherwise completely opaque “Ethics is the eternal…mirror..”–but also reveals a contrastive point: visible external behavior vs. unobservable internal developments, which is completely absent from the original.”

Additional notes:

Matthew Block suggests that the following authors were influential in writing of this Paper and has prepared a parallel chart:

John Baillie, The Interpretation of Religion: An Introductory Study of Theological Principles (New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1928) Wikipedia page.

William Ernest Hocking, Ph.D., The Meaning of God in Human Experience: A Philosophy Study of Religion (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1912) Hathi Trust Digital Library copyWikipedia page: Hocking.

E. Washburn Hopkins, Ph.D., LL.D., Origin and Evolution of Religion (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1923) Wikipedia page.

Rev. L.W. Grensted, M.A., D.D., Psychology and God: A Study of the Implications of Recent Psychology for Religious Belief and Practice (London: Longmans, Green and Co., 1931)

Edwin Lewis, God and Ourselves: A Plea for the Reality, Adequacy and Availability of God (New York: The Abingdon Press, 1931) Wikipedia page: Lewis.

Paper 101          Paper 103

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