Paper 102          Paper 104

See Etymology of Coined Terminology.


Section 1: Philosophy of Religion

p1spiritual unity (6:4.3), (103:1.1), (103:5.12), (141:5.0,1,2), (194:3.17), (195:10.11).

Section 2: Religion and the Individual

p1See Topical Study page: Abortion and resurrection for the unborn.

p5psychology appears in eleven paragraphs: (5:5.6), (99:4.8), (101:1.4), (101:2.17), (102: 2.3), (102:4.6), (102:6.8), (103:2.5), (103:6.1), (103:8.3), (196:3.23).

p7,10: See Cross-reference study: Age 16, Child Mind, Childlike, Little Child, and Childish.

p7,9,10: See Ego in The Urantia Book, a Topical Study by Chuck Thurston.

p8moral judgment(s) is used three times: (102:8.2), (103:2.8), and (133:1.4). ethical standard(s) is used once: (102:8.2).

Section 3: Religion and the Human Race

Section 4: Spiritual Communion

p1: See Ego in The Urantia Book, a Topical Study by Chuck Thurston.

p2: geometrical progression  This is the only usage geometr-. Urantia Book reader Brad Hansen-Smith integrates geometry, art, and education by focusing on the sphere/circle.

Section 5: The Origin of Ideals

p4,5: See Ego in The Urantia Book, a Topical Study by Chuck Thurston.

p11,12: See Robert Sarmast video on “The Urantia Religion – Power of Symbolism.”  List of quotes used in his presentation.

p12spiritual unity (6:4.3), (103:1.1), (103:5.12), (141:5.0,1,2), (194:3.17), (195:10.11).

Section 6: Philosophic Co-Ordination

p1psychology appears in eleven paragraphs: (5:5.6), (99:4.8), (101:1.4), (101:2.17), (102: 2.3), (102:4.6), (102:6.8), (103:2.5), (103:6.1), (103:8.3), (196:3.23).

p8,13Revelation is the only technique . . .; Faith and reason, unaided by mota . . .: These passages are used in “Logical Consistency vs Personal Creativity,” a special presentation by Chris Halvorson, which was prepared on this subject at the request of conference organizer, Halbert Katzen, for the UBtheNEWS 2010 Education for Outreach conference.

p11: See cross-reference study: So-Called Scinece +.

p14: mystical  See Topical Study: Mysticism and Entheogens.

Section 7: Science and Religion

p5: See Topical Study: Genetic Introductions, Mutations, and Evolution: a Urantia Book perspective re: a moral framework for the study.

Section 8: Philosophy and Religion

p3: See: “Were the Alpheus twins subnormal?“, a subtopic of the Topical Study on Genetics and Race,

psychology appears in eleven paragraphs: (5:5.6), (99:4.8), (101:1.4), (101:2.17), (102: 2.3), (102:4.6), (102:6.8), (103:2.5), (103:6.1), (103:8.3), (196:3.23).

Section 9: The Essence of Religion

p1See Topical Study: Sociology (+ all permutations).

p11: wine  See Topical Study: Mysticism and Entheogens.

Additional notes:

Matthew Block suggests that the following authors were influential in writing of this Paper and has prepared a parallel chart:

A. Campbell Garnett, A Realistic Philosophy of Religion (Chicago: Willett, Clark & Company, 1942) Oxford Reference page.

John Baillie, The Interpretation of Religion: An Introductory Study of Theological Principles (New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1928) Wikipedia page.

Edwin Lewis, God and Ourselves: A Plea for the Reality, Adequacy and Availability of God (New York: The Abingdon Press, 1931) Wikipedia page.

Albert C. Knudson, The Doctrine of God (New York: Abingdon-Cokesbury Press, 1930) Wikipedia page.


Paper 102          Paper 104

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