Paper 111          Paper 113

See Etymology of Coined Terminology.


p2: no respecter of persons See Topical Study page: No respecter of persons.

p2,5: cocreative  See cross-reference study: Cocreat- Procreat- Partnership with God.

p4: See Chuck Thurston’s study of when personality is bestowed. This is a subtopic of Abortion and resurrection of the unborn.

Section 1: Personality and Reality

p9Tigran Aivazian annotation (from 130:7.6): seven different conceptions of space: These seven dimensions of space are the same as the seven dimensions of human type of personality as explained in 112:1.9. The perception of the seven dimensions of space is in principle achievable even on the material level of existence, despite the claim of human mind being “rigidly space-bound” in 12:5.5. There is no real contradiction between what the Perfector of Wisdom is teaching us in Paper 12 and what Jesus is teaching the Mithraic mystic at Carthage, as long as we understand that the angelic teachings are usually very basic, whereas Jesus is here addressing a highly advanced individual.

p17: two See cross-reference study: Two or (three/more), plus.

Section 2: The Self

Section 3: The Phenomenon of Death

p2: See Abortion and resurrection of the unborn. For additional study aids on this subject by Chris Halvorson and Chuck Thurston, see Topical Studies in the main menu.

See The Lucifer Rebellion: Adjudication Time Frame by Chuck Thurston.

Tigran Aivazian annotationspiritually insolvent, morontially bankrupt: A very similar phrase occurs in the book “Long Heads And Round Heads or What’s the Matter with Germany” published by William S. Sadler in 1918 during the World War I as a propaganda leaflet to be read by the soldiers. There, on page 156 we read the 25th indictment of Germany: “Because Germany has gone into moral bankruptcy—because she is spiritually insolvent—and the time has come for the civilized nations of the earth to sit as a solemn court of judgment to appoint a receiver either to reorganize or wind up the career of this brutal Germanic military establishment.” Assuming that there was no “Sleeping Subject” and that Dr Sadler himself was the direct and sole recipient of the Fifth Epochal Revelation, we come to the curious parallel between the new term “morontial” and the existing English word “moral”. The Revelation, having gone through Dr Sadler’s mind, naturally shaped the new terms based on the existing word symbols already present in his mind.

Section 4: Adjusters After Death

p12procrastination is used one other time, also in relationship to mansion world experiences, at 48:5.8.

Section 5: Survival of the Human Self

p2,9See The Lucifer Rebellion: Adjudication Time Frame by Chuck Thurston.

p4: See Abortion and resurrection of the unborn. For additional study aids on this subject by Chris Halvorson and Chuck Thurston, see Topical Studies in the main menu.

In a study of Alzheimer’s disease that used nuns, one of the older nuns had advanced Alzheimers’s but was asymptomatic. Does this suggest that the mind had chosen to transfer the seat of identity to the soul, thus providing the intellect a “new vehicle for personality manifestation?” Also see New York Times 2001 article.

embryo: (111:3.2), (112:5.4). See in existence nine months b/f birth: (103:2.1). See potential is always supreme over the actual: (102:5.1). See (122:2.6), Gabriel’s visit to Mary very close to nine months before Jesus’ birth. See abortion/infanticide: (68:6.9).

p11: Aside from John the Revelator (used twice: 45:4.1 and 47:10.2), there are two other usages of revelator—here and at 119:8.7, regarding Michael’s role as a revelator of the Supreme. Book of Revelations appears twice in the same paragraph: 139:4.14. Revelators is used at 23:2.9,24 in describing revelators of truth, a role performed by Mighty Messengers, and at 101:4.2, where the direct knowledge of the revelators in preparing these Papers is contrasted with the inspired revelations.

Section 6: The Morontia Self

Section 7: Adjuster Fusion

p13See Topical Study page: Abortion and resurrection for the unborn. 

p14: partnership with God  See cross-reference study: Cocreat- Procreat- Partnership with God.

p16,17 This cross-reference study offers a comprehensive review of how the revelators use galaxy (along with its derivatives) and Milky Way. See Nigel Nunn’s paper Massive Orvonton for a deeper study of this topic and go to this page for a broader appreciation of his scholarship.

Additional notes:

Matthew Block suggests that the following authors were influential in writing of this Paper and has prepared a parallel chart:

Andras Angyal, M.D., Ph.D., Foundations for a Science of Personality (New York: The Viking Press, 1941) Wikipedia page.

J. E. Turner, M.A., Ph.D., Personality and Reality: A Proof of the Real Existence of a Supreme Self in the Universe (New York: The Macmillan Company, 1926) Hathi Trust Digital Library copy.

J. R. Illingworth, M.A., Personality Human and Divine (London and New York: The Macmillan Company, 1894) Hathi Trust Digital Library copy.

Paper 111          Paper 113

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