Paper 56          Paper 58

See Etymology of Coined Terminology.


Section 1: The Andronover Nebula

Section 2: The Primary Nebular Stage

p2astronomers See also (12:2.1,3,5), (15:1.2), (15:3.4), (23:2.21), (23:3.5), (30:3.2,3,4), (41:3.10), (57:3.1,2).

Section 3: The Secondary Nebular Stage

Section 4: Tertiary and Quartan Stages

p2dark islands See Nigel Nunn’s “Exploding Dark Islands” presentation, which covers the relationship between absoluta, segregata, ultimata and  in the creation of ultimatons and how all of this relates to dark islands and black holes.

Section 5: Origin of Monmatia — The Urantia Solar System

See UBtheNEWS: Astronomy and Physics research page.

p4Kary Mullis is famous as a Nobel Prize-winning biochemist for his improvement of the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) technique and somewhat infamous for his highly unpopular and outspoken views on subjects outside of his field of expertise. On his website, he recommends books, including “The Urantia Book ostensibly by Extraterrestrials.” His Urantia Book-link goes to a page on his website that lists a few articles from Nature and Science to support a few statements in The Urantia Book that were not supported by science in 1955. Regarding this particular issue, review of Chris Halvorson’s paper on Urantia Book dates is recommended.  Wikipedia page: Mullis.

p9retrograde motion: In Astronomy, this is the motion in a direction opposite to something else. The opposite is called “prograde” motion. All known planets of solar system revolve in orbit around the Sun in the “prograde” direction, i.e. in the same direction as the rotation of the Sun. Many (but not all) comets revolve on retrograde orbits.

p11In 2007 Chris Halvorson, Ph.D. (physics) gave a 25-minute talk on UFO’s and nonbreathers. In this talk he suggests that the nonbreathers are on a planet at the edge of the Kuiper Belt of astroids, known as the Kuiper Cliff. The “cliff” would be formed by a orbiting planet much like the rings of Saturn get formed by moons that shepherd the space dust to with in their orbit.

Section 6: The Solar System Stage

Matthew Block suggests that the following author was influential in writing of this Paper and has prepared a parallel chart:

Sir James Jeans, M.A., D.Sc., LL.D., F.R.S., The Universe Around Us (New York: The Macmillan Company, 1929) Wikipedia page.

p2: The Mercury’s Rotation Report is unlike most of the other reports on UBtheNEWS. This is an instance of how The Urantia Book avoided the pitfall of agreeing with science that was inaccurate at the time of publication. This is the very lowest level of corroboration and might simply have been ignored altogether, except that much controversy has developed due to misunderstandings.

The misunderstandings relate to the use of terminology and the grammatical construction of the relevant sentence. Misunderstandings about these issues have caused Urantia Book readers and non Urantia Book readers alike to conclude that this is an instance of inaccuracy in The Urantia Book. This history of misunderstandings makes the topic an important one to be covered by UBtheNEWS, even though the credibility that the topic provides The Urantia Book is considerably less than the reports about conflicts that have turned in corroborations. In this case, there never was a real conflict between The Urantia Book and the science of 1955, except in the minds of those who misread and/or misinterpreted what it says.

p3: Cornell University article on the moon’s movement and the history of our understanding of this. In Martin Gardner’s book, Urantia: The Great Cult Mystery, he begins Chapter 11: Science in The Urantia Book, Part II criticizing the way UB readers used this as evidence of superhuman credibility in their 1991 publication of “The Science Content in The Urantia Book.”

metric conversion: “. . . within about 17,700 km of the earth . . .”

p5fifth planet: This planet was named by the Soviet astronomer S.V. Orlov “Phaeton” in 1949. The breakup of Phaeton gave origin to the asteroid belt. In 1950 V.G. Fesenkov explained disintegration of Phaeton by its close encounter with Jupiter. However, this leaves the question why the orbits of the majority of asteroids are so far from Jupiter. Because of this difficulty V.G. Fesenkov later rejected his own model. For more information, I refer the reader to the article “Origin of Asteroids”, by V.A. Bronshtein (1972) available on (contributed by NASA). Wikipedia page: Phaeton. Wikipedia page: Ceres.

p7In 2007 Chris Halvorson, Ph.D. (physics) gave a 25-minute talk on UFO’s and nonbreathers. In this talk he suggests that the nonbreathers are on a planet at the edge of the Kuiper Belt of astroids, known as the Kuiper Cliff. The “cliff” would be formed by a orbiting planet much like the rings of Saturn get formed by moons that shepherd the space dust to with in their orbit.

Section 7: The Meteoric Era

There is a direct general correlation between Urantia Book dates and scientific dating based on radiometric technologies for the first 35 million years. Then these dates start a pattern of divergence, culminating in roughly a 1:4 ratio.  History of Life by Chris Halvorson, PhD provides a description and explanation for the pattern of divergence that develops.

Section 8: Crustal Stabilization

In his book Discovering the First Complex Life: The Garden of Ediacara (1998), Mt. Holyoke professor, Mark McMenamin, talks about The Urantia Book being ahead of science on the issue of Pangaea and plate tectonics. See Wikipedia: McMenamin.

p2: From Wikipedia: “Study of zircons has found that liquid water must have existed as long ago as 4400 Ma, very soon after the formation of the Earth. This requires the presence of an atmosphere. The Cool Early Earth theory covers a range from about 4400 Ma to 4000 Ma.
“A September 2008 study of zircons found that Australian Hadean rock holds minerals that point to the existence of plate tectonics as early as 4 billion years ago. If this holds true, the previous beliefs about the Hadean period are far from correct.” See UBtheNEWS Oldest Rock Research page.

p3: See UBtheNEWS Ocean Origin Research page.

Metric conversion: “By the end of this period the ocean was world-wide, covering the entire planet to an average depth of over 1.6 km.”

p6: World of the Cross appears four times.

p22: metric conversion: “. . . of almost 14 km at the time . . .”

p24: In his book Discovering the Earliest Complex Life: The Garden of Ediacara, professor Mark McMenamin, who teaches at Mount Holyoke College, credits The Urantia Book with being ahead of science with respect to Continental Drift. In it he quotes the following from The Urantia Book, “The continental land drift continued; increasingly the ocean penetrated the land as long fingerlike seas providing those shallow waters and sheltered bays which are so suitable as a habitat for marine life … [with] the further separation of the landmasses and, in consequence, a further extension of the continental seas … these inland seas of olden times were truly the cradle of evolution.”

McMenamin then writes, “The last quotation in this chapter’s epigraph describes the Proterozoic breakup of the supercontinent Rodinia. This amazing passage, written in the 1930s, anticipates scientific results that did not actually appear in the scientific literature until many decades later. This unusual source is The Urantia Book .4  The name Urantia  refers to planet Earth. (McMenamin 1998: 173)

“Like the Book of Mormon  and L. Ron Hubbard’s Dianetics , The Urantia Book  is a modern attempt to found a new religion. But the teachings of The Urantia Book , as promoted by the Urantia Foundation and the Urantia Brotherhood, are more mainstream than either Mormonism or dianetics.” To read an expansion of these excerpts, click here.

Paper 56          Paper 58

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