Paper 59          Paper 61

See Etymology of Coined Terminology.


p2: See Tribulation(s) cross-reference study.

Section 1: The Early Reptilian Age

p2metric conversion: “In many regions the 300 m of red sandstone deposit of this period contains no fossils.”

p3metric conversions: “These deposits vary in thickness from 910 to 3050 m, even being 5,500 on the Pacific coast.”

p7metric conversion: “. . . one side eventually sinking 3 km.”

p9: suddenly See also 60:3.7,19. From Wikipedia: Stephan Wolfram: “From 1992 to 2002, Stephen Wolfram worked on his controversial book A New Kind of Science, which presents an empirical study of very simple computational systems. Additionally, it argues that for fundamental reasons these types of systems, rather than traditional mathematics, are needed to model and understand complexity in nature. Wolfram’s conclusion is that the universe is digital in its nature, and runs on fundamental laws which can be described as simple programs. He predicts that a realization of this within the scientific communities will have a major and revolutionary influence on physics, chemistry and biology and the majority of the scientific areas in general, which is the reason for the book’s title.”

See “Is There Design in Nature,” Section 7 of Neal Kendall’s Scientific Symposium presentation at Urantia Foundation in 2016.

metric conversions: “They were egg layers and are distinguished from all animals by their small brains, having brains weighing less than 500 g to control bodies later weighing as much as 40 tons.”

Section 2: The Later Reptilian Age

p1: How does one square the statement about dinosaur size with what is currently said about the largest dinosaurs being over 130 ft.? See Wikipedia: Dinosaur size.

metric conversions: “The dinosaurs evolved in all sizes from a species less than 60 cm long up to the huge noncarnivorous dinosaurs, 23 m long, that have never since been equalled in bulk by any living creature.”

 p5: See cross-reference study: So-Called Scinece +.

metric conversion: “The thickness of these combined salt- and freshwater deposits varies from 600 to 1,500 m . . .”

p8metric conversions: “Both corals and crinoids temporarily appeared in larger numbers than heretofore, but the ammonites dominated the invertebrate life of the oceans, their average size ranging from 7 to 10 cm, though one species attained a diameter of 2.4 m.”

Video of cuttlefish eating:

p11metric conversions: “Their brains weighed less than 56 g notwithstanding the fact that these huge ichthyosaurs sometimes grew to be 15 m long, the majority being over 10 m in length.”

p12metric conversions: “They evolved from the hollow-boned leaping dinosaurs, and their wings were of batlike formation with a spread of 6–8 m. These ancient flying reptiles grew to be 3 m long, and they had separable jaws much like those of modern snakes.”

p14: See UBtheNEWS: Dinosaur Extinction research page.

Section 3: The Cretaceous Stage

Continental Drift was not a widely accepted theory prior to The Urantia Book‘s 1955 publication. Wikipedia puts it this way, “The acceptance of the theories of continental drift and sea floor spreading (the two key elements of plate tectonics) may be compared to the Copernican revolution in astronomy [when it was accepted that the planets move around the sun, not that everything moves around earth]. Within a matter of only several years geophysics and geology in particular were revolutionized. . . . What had been rejected for decades by any respectable scientific journal was eagerly accepted within a few short years in the 1960s and 1970s.” See UBtheNEWS Pangaea to Plate Tectonics Report.

p3metric conversion: “. . . but it was located 1,126 km west of the present shore line.”

p5metric conversion: “. . . Atlantic coast regions during this age, their average thickness being about 600 m.”

p9metric conversions: “These layers vary in thickness from 61 m in some places to 3 km in western North America and numerous European localities.”

p11metric conversion: “. . . is more than 40,200 km long.”

p12: continental drift  See (58:3).

p14metric conversion: “A large segment of rock was overthrust 24 km at the surface in British Columbia . . .”

p20But some time previously there had appeared new types of the herbivorous dinosaurs…: The one-word form is correct as the reference is to an indefinite point in time rather than to an indefinite period of time.

metric conversion: “The land type of turtle, 6 m across, appeared . . .”

p20-22: See UBtheNEWS: Dinosaur Extinction research page.

p22: birds, reptiles See December 2021 RT article on dinosaur egg discovery with intact embryo, exhibiting an unusual bird like posture within the egg.

Section 4: The End of the Chalk Period

p2metric conversion: “These lighter areas of land are sometimes 4,572 to 6,100 m thick . . .”

p3metric conversion: “This gigantic uprising is almost 16,000 km long . . .”

Additional notes:

Matthew Block suggests that the following authors were influential in writing of this Paper and has prepared a parallel chart:

Thomas C. Chamberlin and Rollin D. Salisbury, A College Text-book of Geology (New York: Henry Holt and Company, 1909) Wikipedia page: ChamberlinWikipedia page: SalisburyHathi Trust Digital Library Part I copyHathi Trust Digital Library Part II copy.

Charles Schuchert, A Text-book of Geology, Part II: Historical Geology, Second, Revised Edition (New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1924) Wikipedia pageHathi Trust Digital Library copy.

Charles Schuchert and Carl O. Dunbar, A Textbook of Geology, Part II—Historical Geology, Third Edition, Largely Rewritten (New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1933) Wikipedia page: Dunbar.

Louis V. Pirsson, A Text-book of Geology, Part I—Physical Geology, Second, Revised Edition (New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1920) Encyclopedia Britannica page.

Reginald Aldworth Daly, Our Mobile Earth (New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1926) Wikipedia page.

Paper 59          Paper 61

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