Paper 62 Paper 64
See Etymology of Coined Terminology.
The UBtheNEWS Research on the Double Dual Origin of Modern Man and pre-Modern Man page is a collection of scientific articles related to the Andon-Sangik pre-Modern Man genetic mutations and the Nodite-Adamite Modern Man genetic introductions. This Research page can be appreciated more readily if one first becomes familiar with the Topical Study: Genetic Introductions, Mutations, and Evolution: a Urantia Book perspective, the Adam and Eve Report, and the Gobekli Tepe Report. See Topical Study: Gobekli Tepe.
p1,2: See Topical Study page: Abortion and resurrection for the unborn.
Section 1: Andon and Fonta
p4: See Chuck Thurston’s study of when personality is bestowed. This is a subtopic of Abortion and resurrection of the unborn.
Section 2: The Flight of the Twins
A 2004 discovery at the Gesher Benot Ya’aqov archaeological site in Israel provides strong evidence that human beings were able to use flint to create fire about 790,000 years ago. Prior to this discovery, the Terra Amata archaeological site in France, though very controversial, provided what was widely considered to be the best evidence for the early ability of human beings to create fire, suggesting that fire was being created sometime between 230,000 and 380,000 years ago. But undisputed evidence for the ability to create fire at will only goes back about 200,000 years. The evidence found at Gesher Benot Ya’aqov, with its clusters of burnt flint at different levels, is considerably more definitive than what was found at Terra Amata. This 2004 discovery not only is consistent with The Urantia Book’s assertion that flint was initially used to make fire, but also was found in the general area where the first human beings are said to have lived and, by any analysis, pushes the date closer to what was given in The Urantia Book by hundreds of thousands of years. See UBtheNEWS Creating Fire Report.
63:6) Onagar’s culture preserves the ability to make fire and were the first to cook meat.
Section 3: Andon’s Family
Section 4: The Andonic Clans
See the UBtheNEWS Eyes, Skin, and Hair Color research page.
p3: aborigines/aboriginal are used thirteen times, including the one time it is preceded by “so-called” in reference to the secondary Sangik mixture found in southern Indian at 79:2.2. The other references, involving the original Andonic stock are at: (61:6.3), (61:7.4), (63:4.3), (63:5.4), (64:1.0), (64:7.18), (76:2.4), (78: 1.5), (79:2.2), (81:4.4,9), (85:1.5).
p6: See Topical Study: Andonic tongue, English language, and Havona harmony.
Section 5: Dispersion of the Andonites
p4: aborigines/aboriginal are used thirteen times, including the one time it is preceded by “so-called” in reference to the secondary Sangik mixture found in southern Indian at 79:2.2. The other references, involving the original Andonic stock are at: (61:6.3), (61:7.4), (63:4.3), (63:5.4), (64:1.0), (64:7.18), (76:2.4), (78: 1.5), (79:2.2), (81:4.4,9), (85:1.5).
Section 6: Onagar — The First Truth Teacher
p3: snow By way of showing how far we have come from a fear of the elements, The Snowflake Mystery documentary provides way cool insights into the science of how snowflake crystals form. See also: Halbertcicles page.