Paper 65          Paper 67

See Etymology of Coined Terminology.
See Topical Study: Food For Though.


Section 1: Prince Caligastia

Section 2: The Prince’s Staff

p1: Daligastia  See cross-reference study: Student Visitors and Daligastia.

p6,7: See Topical Studies section: Prophecy, Melchizedek, and the Bald Knob Cross of Peace.

Section 3: Dalamatia The City of the Prince

p3metric conversion: “. . . enclosed within a wall 12 m high.”

Section 4: Early Days of the One Hundred

p5: procreate  See cross-reference study: Cocreat- Procreat- Partnership with God.

Section 5: Organization of the One Hundred

For the UBtheNEWS “Research page” on Dog Domestication: click here.

For a 2016 article on dog domestication with links to a number of related studies: click here.

p9: clay tablets See Topical Studies/History section: Clay Tablets.

p20: disease-destroying  See Topical Study: Health and Healing.

p22: saliva See Topical Studies/Science section: Saliva.

p24: physics (chemistry) is used six paragraphs and every time it is used in association with chemistry. See: (12:9.3), (58:2.3), (65:6.8), (66:5.24), (102:4.6), and (195:6.11). Chemistry also appears at: (41:2.6), (42:9.1), (49:5.19), (65:6.1), (74:6.3), and (81:2.9).

69:7.4 The dog was the first animal to be domesticated.

81:2.11 Asia had the best animals for domestication; this helped Asia’s early cultural development.

Section 6: The Prince’s Reign

Note the peculiar “alignment” of Paper 66 Section 6 (666) with Caligastia. See Etymology of Coined Terminology.

Section 7: Life in Dalamatia

Note that the seven commandments are all expressed in the negative, even ones that could have easily been reworded in a positive way. Consider why the evolutionary process starts with teaching boundaries– commandments about how to not cause trouble rather than commandments to actually go about doing good. Compare with 93:4–Melchizedek’s teachings (post rebellion) were also all negative.

p16: See Topical Study page: Thanksgiving. Study note: prayer of thanksgiving and prayers of thanksgiving are each used once, at 100:5.10 and 146:2.12, respectively.

p18metric conversion: “The country around the city was quite wellsettled within a radius of 160 km.”

p19See Topical Study: Food For Though.

Section 8: Misfortunes of Caligastia

p1: shameful  See cross-reference study: Shame(ful(ly)) Lax.

p5-8See The Lucifer Rebellion: Adjudication Time Frame by Chuck Thurston.

p6: See cross-reference study: Normal Minded.

Paper 65          Paper 67

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