Paper 70 Paper 72
See Etymology of Coined Terminology.
Section 1: The Embryonic State
See also (55:3,5) The Spheres of Light and Life: The Golden Ages and The Acme of Material Development
p1: See Topical Study: Andonic tongue, English language, and Havona harmony.
p7,14: father-family, mother-family See cross-reference study: Gender Studies.
Section 2: The Evolution of Representative Government
p13: freedom of speech See Aug. 2019 article in the Economist on the trajectory of free speech policies around the globe.
Section 3: The Ideals of Statehood
p2: chosen people See cross-reference study: Chosen people.
p8: idleness is used eleven times.
Section 4: Progressive Civilization
Section 5: The Evolution of Competition
Section 6: The Profit Motive
Section 7: Education
Section 8: The Character of Statehood
p1: See Topical Study: Andonic tongue, English language, and Havona harmony.
See documentary film: The Hidden TRUTH of the Jesuits Infiltration of the World for a perspective on how democratic and antidemocratic forces have played out over the last 15oo years.
Additional notes:
Matthew Block suggests that the following authors were influential in writing of this Paper and has prepared a parallel chart:
William Graham Sumner and Albert Galloway Keller, The Science of Society, Volume I (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1927) Wikipedia page: Sumner. Wikipedia page: Keller.
Leon C. Marshall, The Story of Human Progress (New York: The Macmillan Company, 1923, 1925, 1928) Wikipedia page.
H. A. Overstreet, We Move in New Directions (New York: W. W. Norton & Company, Inc., 1933) Wikipedia page.