Paper 74          Paper 76

See Etymology of Coined Terminology.


Section 1: The Urantia Problem

p6See Topical Study: Impatient Impatiently Impatience.

Section 2: Caligastia’s Plot

p1: Daligastia  See cross-reference study: Student Visitors and Daligastia.

p2See The Lucifer Rebellion: Adjudication Time Frame by Chuck Thurston.

Section 3: The Temptation of Eve

p1: brown-tinted man: Note that Nodite with primary Sangik resulted in a skin tone not to be confused with the references to the “brown man.” See: 64:7.6,16 , 78:3.8 , 94:5.6. Does this suggest that the Andonic coloring of the Nodites reflects dominant gene characteristics when mixed with Sangik in contrast to Andonic stock, which when mixed with Sangik takes on the Sangik color?

p3See The Lucifer Rebellion: Adjudication Time Frame by Chuck Thurston.

p6: Daligastia  See cross-reference study: Student Visitors and Daligastia.

See Topical Study: Impatient Impatiently Impatience.

Section 4: The Realization of Default

p8See Topical Study: Mother Cults.

“Where are you”  Genesis 3:9

Section 5: Repercussions of Default

p8: See Behzad (Robert) Sarmast’s study on Magisterial Missions.

Section 6: Adam and Eve Leave the Garden

p2,3: See Topical Study: A Global Cataclysmic Crisis Event.

Section 7: Degradation of Adam and Eve

Section 8: The So-Called Fall of Man

p5See Topical Study: Impatient Impatiently Impatience.

Paper 74          Paper 76

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