Paper 92          Paper 94

See Etymology of Coined Terminology.


Section 1: The Machiventa Incarnation

p2: See Behzad (Robert) Sarmast’s study on Magisterial Missions. 

Section 2: The Sage of Salem

p1: 1973 years before See Topical Study: Machiventa’s Bimillennial Anniversaries.

p5metric conversion: “. . . being almost 1.8 m in height and possessing a commanding presence.”

three concentric circles  This 18-second clip from the Disney movie Tron shows a disk with three blue concentric circles. “It’s begun. … This code disk means freedom.” And the truth will set you free!

Section 3: Melchizedek’s Teachings

p3: three concentric circles  This 18-second clip from the Disney movie Tron shows a disk with three blue concentric circles. “It’s begun. … This code disk means freedom.” And the truth will set you free!

Trinity concept: Beyond the Paper 104, which is dedicated to the subject, other references can be found at: (92:5.9), (93:3.3), (94:1.3), (95:6.5), (142:3.6).

Section 4: The Salem Religion

Note that the seven commandments are all expressed in the negative, even ones that could have easily been reworded in a positive way. Consider why the evolutionary process starts with teaching boundaries– commandments about how to not cause trouble rather than commandments to actually go about doing good. Compare with 66:7–the Dalamatia teachings (pre rebellion) were also all negative.

p14: See Topical Study: Mysticism and Entheogens.

Section 5: The Selection of Abraham

p1: chosen people See cross-reference study: Chosen people.

p7Egypt A research paper titled “Ancient Egyptian mummy genomes suggest an increase of Sub-Saharan African ancestry in post-Roman periods” was published by Nature Communications in 2017. From the abstract: “The samples recovered from Middle Egypt span around 1,300 years of ancient Egyptian history from the New Kingdom to the Roman Period. Our analyses reveal that ancient Egyptians shared more ancestry with Near Easterners than present-day Egyptians, who received additional sub-Saharan admixture in more recent times. This analysis establishes ancient Egyptian mummies as a genetic source to study ancient human history and offers the perspective of deciphering Egypt’s past at a genome-wide level.”

p8: vows See 89:3.1 “Renunciation came as the next step in religious evolution; fasting was a common practice. Soon it became the custom to forgo many forms of physical pleasure, especially of a sexual nature. The ritual of the fast was deeply rooted in many ancient religions and has been handed down to practically all modern theologic systems of thought.”

Section 6: Melchizedek’s Covenant with Abraham

Section 7: The Melchizedek Missionaries

p2Lake Van The Wikipedia page: Van, Turkey provides some information on Lake Van and the ancient Urartu civilization. Also see Wikipedia page: Urartu. See 2017 National Geographic video showing discovery of underwater castle in Lake Van, possibly from the Urartu civilization.

Urartu Art: Tree of Life w/ Adam and Eve

p3See Topical Study: Mother Cults.

Section 8: Departure Of Melchizedek

Section 9: After Melchizedek’s Departure

p3,4Abimelech is mentioned three times, also at 126:1.2.

p4great (or superb) leader is used six times: once in reference to Cain, Abraham, and Jesus, three times in reference to Moses. (76:2.9), (93:94), (96:3.1), (96:5.2), (126:0.4), and (140:5.16).

p9: chosen people See cross-reference study: Chosen people.

Section 10: Present Status of Machiventa Melchizedek

p1: See Behzad (Robert) Sarmast’s study on Magisterial Missions.

p4: See cross-reference study: Seer(s).

p5: See Christ Names in The Urantia Papers by Ernest Moyer.

p7See the Topical Study: Prophecy and “signs of the times.”

p8See The Lucifer Rebellion: Adjudication Time Frame by Chuck Thurston.

Additional notes:

Matthew Block suggests that the following authors were influential in writing of this Paper and has prepared a parallel chart:

“Melchizedek,” in Dr. William Smith’s Dictionary of the Bible, Volume III, Marriage to Regum, Revised and Edited by Professor H. B. Hackett, D.D. et al. (Boston: Houghlin, Mifflin and Co., 1870) Wikipedia page.

William Graham Sumner and Albert Galloway Keller, The Science of Society, Volume II (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1927)  Wikipedia page: SumnerWikipedia page: Keller.

“Abraham,” in Dr. William Smith’s Dictionary of the Bible, Volume I, A to Gennesaret, Land of, Revised and Edited by Professor H. B. Hackett, D.D. et al. (Boston: Houghlin, Mifflin and Co., 1870)

Paper 92          Paper 94

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