Paper 96          Paper 98

See Etymology of Coined Terminology.
See the article “Why 1 & 2 Kings?” by Lester Grabbe, who founded and organized the European Seminar on Methodology in Israel’s History for 17 year.


p1: common people See subtopic: “Were the Alpheus twins subnormal?” For the larger context into which this study falls, see the Topical Study: Genetic Introductions, Mutations, and Evolution: a Urantia Book perspective.

deanthropomorphized is used twice.
(104:2.2) Trinitarianism grows out of the experiential protest against the impossibility of conceiving the oneness of a deanthropomorphized solitary Deity of unrelated universe significance. Given a sufficient time, philosophy tends to abstract the personal qualities from the Deity concept of pure monotheism, thus reducing this idea of an unrelated God to the status of a pantheistic Absolute. It has always been difficult to understand the personal nature of a God who has no personal relationships in equality with other and co-ordinate personal beings. Personality in Deity demands that such Deity exist in relation to other and equal personal Deity.

Section 1: Samuel First of the Hebrew Prophets

p7: chosen people See cross-reference study: Chosen people.

Section 2: Elijah and Elisha

Section 3: Yahweh and Baal

See also National Geographic 2017 article on DNA analysis of Canaanites.

p1,5See Topical Study: Sociology (+ all permutations).

p6: Elohim is discussed in nine paragraphs: (96:1.8), (97:3.6), (97:9.17,19), (104:1.8), (142:3.6), (169:4.8,9,10).

polytheism(istic) appears in eleven paragraphs: (5:4.2,9), (91:3.3), (92:6.17), (94:1.3), (95:2.2), (95:5.4), (96:1.2), (97:3.6), (104:1.9), (104:2.1).

Section 4: Amos and Hosea

p7: chosen people See cross-reference study: Chosen people.

Section 5: The First Isaiah

p6He has shown me, O man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God. The SRT committee put a “?” at the end of this sentence.

Halbert Katzen’s opinion:

Perhaps the SRT committee members were overly focused on the series of questions preceding this sentence and thought that this one is following a pattern rather than switching up to an answer for the previous questions. Clearly, the first half of the sentence–the sentence preceding the semicolon–is not a question. Quite to the contrary, it expresses having an answer, not a question. Using a semicolon to join a sentence and a question is itself unorthodox and, therefore, suspect. But that is not the real issue. Literary license could account for that. In this case, the first part stands as an already spoken qualifier to what comes after the semicolon. The essence of the intended meaning of the second part is “God has shown me the answer to the question, “What does the God require and it is to do justly . . .” When we step back from the particular construction and take a look at what is really being said, we see that the last semicolon-separated sentence is the answer to the previous questions and rightly is concluded with a period. The sentence is, taken in its entirety, an answer to previous questions, not another question.

Section 6: Jeremiah the Fearless

Section 7: The Second Isaiah

p1: chosen people See cross-reference study: Chosen people.

p13: See Topical Study: Prophecy and “signs of the times,” plus subTopical Study: A New Heaven And A New Earth.

Section 8: Sacred and Profane History

p1: A study published in 2019  on Philistine DNA and determined that they came from southern Europe. See 74:8.9 re: the Philistines. See also National Geographic 2017 article on DNA analysis of Canaanites.

p3: See cross-reference study: Seer(s).

chosen people See cross-reference study: Chosen people.

p5: Most Highs rule  See cross-reference study: Most High(s) rule(s).

Section 9: Hebrew History

p1: A study published in 2019  on Philistine DNA and determined that they came from southern Europe. See 74:8.9 re: the Philistines. See also National Geographic 2017 article on DNA analysis of Canaanites.

p14San Diego Union Tribune article from Oct. 28, 2008 on archeological discoveries that support Biblical and Urantia Book accounts of the Edomite civilization.

p16: Solomon  See Board of Jewish Education review of the relationship between King Solomon and the Queen of Sheba, regarding how the ring he gave her ended up being buried on the hand of modern-day prophet, Bob Marley, whose teachings (and lyrics) about “I and I” focused so much on the function and ministry of our Thought Adjusters.

p17,19Elohim is discussed in nine paragraphs: (96:1.8), (97:3.6), (97:9.17,19), (104:1.8), (142:3.6), (169:4.8,9,10).

p28See Topical Study: Sociology (+ all permutations).

Section 10: The Hebrew Religion

p1: chosen people See cross-reference study: Chosen people.

p7: See Robert Sarmast video on “The Urantia Religion – Power of Symbolism.”  List of quotes used in his presentation.

p8: Sinai  See the UBtheNEWS: Mount Sinai Research page. The real Mount Sinai has been identified in northwest Saudi Arabia, along with many other locations mentioned Exodus.

Additional notes:

Matthew Block suggests that the following authors were influential in writing of this Paper and has prepared a parallel chart:

William Kelley Wright, Ph.D., A Student’s Philosophy of Religion (New York: The Macmillan Company, 1922) Philosophy Documentation Center pageHathi Trust Digital Library copy.

Lewis Browne, This Believing World: A Simple Account of the Great Religions of Mankind (New York: The Macmillan Company, 1926) Wikipedia page: Browne.

Louis Wallis, The Bible Is Human: A Study in Secular History (New York: Columbia University Press, 1942)

Paper 96          Paper 98

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