Paper 159          Paper 161


Section 1: Rodan’s Greek Philosophy

p2See Topical Study: Is The Urantia Book “gay friendly?”

p2,4See cross-reference study on undiscovered

p5spiritual ecstasy appears four times: (91:7.3), (158:5.4), (160:1.5), (194:0.3).

p7: See Topical Study: Genetic Introductions, Mutations, and Evolution: a Urantia Book perspective re: a moral framework for the study.

Section 2: The Art of Living

p4-6,10See Topical Study: Is The Urantia Book “gay friendly?”

Section 3: The Lures of Maturity

p1: capacity for spiritual receptivity  See cross-reference study: Spirit(ual) Receptivity and Capacity(ies).

Section 4: The Balance of Maturity

p14: See Topical Study: Genetic Introductions, Mutations, and Evolution: a Urantia Book perspective re: a moral framework for the study.

Section 5: The Religion of the Ideal

p1: See Robert Sarmast video on “The Urantia Religion – Power of Symbolism.”  List of quotes used in his presentation.

p5See cross-reference study on undiscovered

Additional notes:

Commentary by Kwan Choi suggesting Paul did not go to Alexandria because Rodan was already there.

Matthew Block suggests that the following authors were influential in writing of this Paper and has prepared a parallel chart:

Henry Nelson Wieman, The Issues of Life (New York: The Abingdon Press, 1930) Wikipedia page: Henry.

Paper 159          Paper 161

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