Paper 177          Paper 179

Foundation Map: April 6, 30 A.D.


Section 1: Discourse on Sonship and Citizenship

p14: mystics  See Topical Study: Mysticism and Entheogens.

Section 2: After the Noontime Meal

Section 3: On the Way to the Supper

p4: See Tribulation(s) cross-reference study.

Additional notes:

Matthew Block suggests that the following authors were influential in writing of this Paper and has prepared a parallel chart:

Wm. Arnold Stevens and Ernest Dewitt Burton, A Harmony of the Gospels for Historical Study: An Analytical Synopsis of the Four Gospels (New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1904, 1932) copy.

David Smith, M.A., D.D., Our Lord’s Earthly Life (New York: George H. Doran Company, 1925)

Daniel A. Poling, Between Two Worlds: The Romance of Jesus (New York: Harper & Brothers Publishers, 1931) Wikipedia page: Poling.

David Smith, M.A., D.D., The Days of His Flesh: The Earthly Life of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, Eighth Edition, Revised (New York: Harper & Brothers, 1910)

Paper 177          Paper 179

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