Paper 193          Paper 195

See Etymology of Coined Terminology.


p3spiritual ecstasy appears four times: (91:7.3), (158:5.4), (160:1.5), (194:0.3).

Section 1: The Pentecost Sermon

p1Pentecost: Because of the commonly held false assumption that the Ascension and Pentecost happened on the same day (Bible, Tertullian, Eusebius), there is a common misconception that a serious textual corruption is present somewhere between the end of Paper 193 and here. Namely, because Pentecost occurs after 50 days, not 40, the 10 days are apparently missing. In the year A.D. 30, Passover was on April 8, so Pentecost was May 28. As stated in 193:5.1, Jesus’ final morontia appearance — his so-called ascension — was on May 18. Hence, ‘the forty days of his morontia career on Urantia’ (193:5.3) were April 9 to May 18, inclusive. These 40 days are not the same 40 days that the apostles are said to have been ‘in hiding’ (194:1.1). The latter 40 days were April 18 to May 27, inclusive. After tarrying in Jerusalem for the week subsequent to the resurrection (on April 9), the apostles left for Galilee on Monday, April 17; so, for April 18 through May 27, the apostles were out of the sight of the Jewish leaders; that is, they were ‘in hiding’ (see 191:6.1 and 192:0.1,3-4).

Section 2: The Significance of Pentecost

p3: See cross-reference study: Normal Minded.

p4: Spirit of Truth Compare with 146:3.6.

Section 3: What Happened at Pentecost

p17spiritual unity (6:4.3), (103:1.1), (103:5.12), (141:5.0,1,2), (194:3.17), (195:10.11).

Section 4: Beginnings of the Christian Church

p4risen Christ appears in three paragraphs: (92:7.12), (194:4.4), (196:2.5).

p6: In 1955 text: all their new concept. Changed by SRT committee to concepts.

p12: James The existence of the James ossuary (limestone burial box) was announced in 2002. Depending on one’s point of view about the Shroud of Turin, this is considered by some to be the best hard evidence of the “historic Jesus.” The Israeli government went to great lengths to try to discredit the artifact but failed. See Wikipedia: James Ossuary.

Additional notes:

Matthew Block suggests that the following authors were influential in writing of this Paper and has prepared a parallel chart:

G. Campbell Morgan, D.D., The Teaching of Christ (Old Tappan, N.J.: Fleming H. Revell Company, 1913) Hathi Trust Digital Library copyWikipedia page: Morgan.

E. Stanley Jones, The Christ of Every Road: A Study in Pentecost (New York: The Abingdon Press, 1930) Wikipedia page: Jones.

Harris Franklin Rall, Ph.D., New Testament History: A Study of the Beginnings of Christianity (New York: Abingdon Press, 1914) Hathi Trust Digital Library copyWikipedia page: Rall.

Benjamin Willard Robinson, Ph.D., The Sayings of Jesus: Their Background and Interpretation (New York: Harper & Brothers Publishers, 1930)

Paper 193          Paper 195

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