UBtheNEWS YouTube channel

The UBtheNEWS YouTube channel has a variety material, not all of which is directly related to The Urantia Book. Philosophical perspectives. Songs. Of particular note is a reading of Kerry Watson’s autobiography. Kerry has gone on to meet our maker and reading his autobiography is my way of honoring the passing of one of the most extraordinary individuals I have ever met. I have set up a page for those who want to read it and learn more about his book.

A/V Recordings of Halbert published by others


June 14, 2014, Evolving Souls Conference, Marin, CA:
This one-hour presentation is titled: The Urantia Book‘s Planetary History: A Credibility Check. It provides an introduction to The Urantia Book, commentary about the UBtheNEWS project, including reviews the Adam and Eve Report and Gobekli Tepe Report. People seem to like this one.


August 21, 2008, a friend’s back yard, Portland, OR:
This eight-minute video was recorded impromptu at a Jesus’ birthday celebration. It gives a brief description of The Urantia Book and the UBtheNEWS project.


Prophecy and “signs of the times”

Urantia Audio Podcast with Jim Watkins, July, 21 2021.




Urantia Book Network: Spirit of Truth, Episode Two podcast with Derek Samaras. Published Aug. 17, 2019. Covers contemporary social issues and the Bald Knob Cross of Peace eclipses.


Other stuff


Juggling On A Rope Blindfolded: In 2001 I ran an experiment that combined my belief that “with God all things are possible” and techniques I had learned in personal growth and development seminars at Landmark Education. The idea was to juggle on a rope blindfolded with as little practice as possible, to make the grace of God more accessible through becoming more congruent with my faith and spiritual beliefs. Behold the results!


The Logic of Love: Finding Faith through the Heart-Mind Connection. Reviewed by Publishers Weekly.


Eclipses Trump Prophecy Scholars Published May 29, 2022.

In the Name of the Father: This perspective on the use of the word “Father” for God provides a new way to define and appreciate the term so that it glorifies the personal, parental, and volitional (freewill) attributes of God, while at the same time liberating the term from masculine connotations. If you are someone who is uncomfortable with the use of the word “Father” for God, this is a MUST READ.

Love Me? Love Me Not?: This article is about how the definition of “self-love” has taken a 180 degree turn (within the United States, at least) and the problems associated with this redefinition.


May 21, 1962: Born a kohen and raised Jewish.

1976 – 1979: Phillips Exeter Academy. Expelled prior to assuming duties as captain of the wrestling team.
1979 – 1980: Worcester Academy. Team captain for the day in the duel meet against Exeter. Undefeated season completed by winning the New England championships, hosted at Phillips Exeter Academy. Graduated Summa Cum Backe.

1980 – 1981: Deferred admission to Brandeis University—a post secondary school sabbatical. Got “turned-on” to The Urantia Book, while working as a door-to-door canvasser for Greenpeace in Santa Cruz, CA.

1981 – 1982: First year at Brandeis University.

1982 – 1983: Dedicated a year of independent study to The Urantia Book.

1983 – 1986: Returned to Brandeis University and initiated an independent interdisciplinary degree called The Nature and Development of Religious Experience.

1987 – 1988: Attended the Boulder School for Students of The Urantia Book.

1992: Completed undergraduate degree at the University of Colorado in Boulder. Started the J.D./M.B.A. program.
1996: Completed J.D./M.B.A. degrees.

2000: Authored The Logic of Love: Finding Faith through the Heart<>Mind Connection, which was reviewed by Publishers Weekly.

2000: Student assembly honorary speaker at Phillips Exeter Academy on the Friday of what would have been my 20-year anniversary. This talk ended with me singing “It’s Only Rock and Roll” by The Rolling Stones, performed with classmates in attendance for the reunion weekend, who had formed a band when we were students. Orchestration of this occurred because a vision of it came to me when I got kicked out of Exeter twenty years earlier. It’s good to graduate Summa Cum Backe. No rainbows without rain. No comebacks without expulsions.

2001: Juggled on a rope blindfolded with people holding the rope because I made a promise to do so a year earlier. See practice session above.

2004: Began Halbertcicle training exercises related to balancing things spiritual with things material. I call this one: Spherical Cube. See the Halbertcicles page.

2006: Started the UBtheNEWS project.

2016: Started UBannotated.com.

2019: Relocated next to Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, Illinois, birth state of the Urantia revelation. Not dead yet.

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