
Saskia Raevouri (previously Praamsma) has been a Urantia Book reader and scholar for decades. Her professional life as a graphic artist for Disney Studios was put to good use in the development and presentation of study aids, which often incorporate her professional talents.

Contributions For decades and counting, Saskia has worked cooperatively with Matthew Block on the SqaureCircles project—a general study aid effort with notable areas of specialized development. For instance, their work with obtaining and publishing the Harold Sherman diaries has had significant influence on discussions and opinion about the origin and nature of The Urantia Book. Also of importance concerning origins is their obtaining and publishing a notebook by Sir Hubert Wilkens. Saskia published a few editions of How I Found The Urantia Book, which compiled hundreds of stories by readers. And along with a wide range of numerous other study aids, many of which incorporated her talents with graphic arts, there is a scanned copy of a first edition. Their combined efforts represent one of the most comprehensive and enduring of all private Urantia Book study aid projects.


Jesus Boat
Human Race: UB Papers 62-80 Condensed and Illustrated
Family Tree of Humanity
From Ape to Man Pictorial Guide
How Man and the Ape Are Related

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