Bold is used for editorial emphasis.

Table of Contents

Related Spiritual Problems
Biological Explanations and Plant-based Medicine
Sunlight, Ultraviolet Light, and Ozone
Things We Can Do

Related Spiritual Problems

This study aid considers what hints about health may be hidden in plain sight.

(101:4.1)  Because your world is generally ignorant of origins, even of physical origins, it has appeared to be wise from time to time to provide instruction in cosmology. And always has this made trouble for the future. The laws of revelation hamper us greatly by their proscription of the impartation of unearned or premature knowledge.
(101:4.2)  … The cosmology of these revelations … is limited by our permission for the co-ordination and sorting of present-day knowledge.

Consider that presumably “the co-ordination and sorting of present-day knowledge” does not involve validating incorrect medical science for the sake of providing instruction in cosmology. In general, the development of medical science would relate to the “proscription of the impartation of unearned or premature knowledge.” But specifically, regarding health problems we did not create, consider how merciful ministrations might play into decisions about what to include in this epochal revelation.

(65:5.1)  It was a source of regret to the Life Carriers that our special efforts to modify intelligent life on Urantia should have been so handicapped by tragic perversions beyond our control: the Caligastia betrayal and the Adamic default.

(65:5.2)  But throughout all of this biologic adventure our greatest disappointment grew out of the reversion of certain primitive plant life to the prechlorophyll levels of parasitic bacteria on such an extensive and unexpected scale. This eventuality in plant-life evolution caused many distressful diseases in the higher mammals, particularly in the more vulnerable human species. When we were confronted with this perplexing situation, we somewhat discounted the difficulties involved because we knew that the subsequent admixture of the Adamic life plasm would so reinforce the resisting powers of the resulting blended race as to make it practically immune to all diseases produced by the vegetable type of organism. But our hopes were doomed to disappointment owing to the misfortune of the Adamic default.

Biological Explanations and Plant-based Medicine

The following paragraph contains three of the five uses of parasitic, three of the six uses of bacteria, both instances of fungi, the only use of virus in a biological context, and the one occurrence of disease-causing.

(65:2.3)  The bacteria, simple vegetable organisms of a very primitive nature, are very little changed from the early dawn of life; they even exhibit a degree of retrogression in their parasitic behavior. Many of the fungi also represent a retrograde movement in evolution, being plants which have lost their chlorophyll-making ability and have become more or less parasitic. The majority of disease-causing bacteria and their auxiliary virus bodies really belong to this group of renegade parasitic fungi. During the intervening ages all of the vast kingdom of plant life has evolved from ancestors from which the bacteria have also descended.

(65:2.4)  The higher protozoan type of animal life soon appeared, and appeared suddenly. And from these far-distant times the ameba, the typical single-celled animal organism, has come on down but little modified. He disports himself today much as he did when he was the last and greatest achievement in life evolution. This minute creature and his protozoan cousins are to the animal creation what bacteria are to the plant kingdom; they represent the survival of the first early evolutionary steps in life differentiation together with failure of subsequent development.

Is “failure of subsequent development” in italic to emphasize the relationship between between viruses, bacteriae, and fungi? Is “failure” related to “retrogression” and “renegade?” Note how all of this is in the context of what is “disease-causing.”

The revelators did not have to mention that fossils were destroyed by bacteria. Is this a hint of some sort?:

(59:4.13)  The earth was being rapidly overrun by the new orders of land vegetation. Heretofore few plants grew on land except about the water’s edge. Now, and suddenly, the prolific fern family appeared and quickly spread over the face of the rapidly rising land in all parts of the world. Tree types, two feet thick and forty feet high, soon developed; later on, leaves evolved, but these early varieties had only rudimentary foliage. There were many smaller plants, but their fossils are not found since they were usually destroyed by the still earlier appearing bacteria.

Additionally, this is mentioned:

(65:4.5)  When Urantia scientists know more of these healing chemicals, they will become more efficient in the treatment of injuries, and indirectly they will know more about controlling certain serious diseases.

Consider whether the revelators would be allowed to specify cancer? Consider how the comment about “healing chemicals” relates to these general teachings:

(36:2.14)  There are over one million fundamental or cosmic chemical formulas which constitute the parent patterns and the numerous basic functional variations of life manifestations. Satellite number one of the life-planning sphere is the realm of the universe physicists and electrochemists who serve as technical assistants to the Life Carriers in the work of capturing, organizing, and manipulating the essential units of energy which are employed in building up the material vehicles of life transmission, the so-called germ plasm.

(49:1.2)  The biologic unit of material life is the protoplasmic cell, the communal association of chemical, electrical, and other basic energies. The chemical formulas differ in each system, and the technique of living cell reproduction is slightly different in each local universe, but the Life Carriers are always the living catalyzers who initiate the primordial reactions of material life; they are the instigators of the energy circuits of living matter.

What understandings about the past and hints about better addressing our current circumstances is be gleaned from the information provided in the following paragraphs?

(88:1.1)  Primitive man always wanted to make anything extraordinary into a fetish; chance therefore gave origin to many. A man is sick, something happens, and he gets well. The same thing is true of the reputation of many medicines and the chance methods of treating disease. …

(90:4.9)  The Greeks were the first to evolve truly rational methods of treating the sick. Both the Greeks and the Egyptians received their medical knowledge from the Euphrates valley. Oil and wine was a very early medicine for treating wounds; castor oil and opium were used by the Sumerians. Many of these ancient and effective secret remedies lost their power when they became known; secrecy has always been essential to the successful practice of fraud and superstition. Only facts and truth court the full light of comprehension and rejoice in the illumination and enlightenment of scientific research.

(90:4.5)  It was a common method of treatment to rub something magical on an infected or blemished spot on the body, throw the charm away, and supposedly experience a cure. If anyone should chance to pick up the discarded charm, it was believed he would immediately acquire the infection or blemish. It was a long time before herbs and other real medicines were introduced. Massage was developed in connection with incantation, rubbing the spirit out of the body, and was preceded by efforts to rub medicine in, even as moderns attempt to rub liniments in. Cupping and sucking the affected parts, together with bloodletting, were thought to be of value in getting rid of a disease-producing spirit.

(90:4.8)  Fasting, dieting, and counterirritants were often used as remedial measures. Human secretions, being definitely magical, were highly regarded; blood and urine were thus among the earliest medicines and were soon augmented by roots and various salts. The shamans believed that disease spirits could be driven out of the body by foul-smelling and bad-tasting medicines. Purging very early became a routine treatment, and the values of raw cocoa and quinine were among the earliest pharmaceutical discoveries.

(85:2.3)  The cults of tree worship are among the oldest religious groups. All early marriages were held under the trees, and when women desired children, they would sometimes be found out in the forest affectionately embracing a sturdy oak. Many plants and trees were venerated because of their real or fancied medicinal powers. The savage believed that all chemical effects were due to the direct activity of supernatural forces.

Note the acknowledgement here of the chemical reactions related to addiction and immunity:

(85:3.3)  The Hebrews worshiped serpents down to the days of King Hezekiah, and the Hindus still maintain friendly relations with their house snakes. The Chinese worship of the dragon is a survival of the snake cults. The wisdom of the serpent was a symbol of Greek medicine and is still employed as an emblem by modern physicians. The art of snake charming has been handed down from the days of the female shamans of the snake love cult, who, as the result of daily snake bites, became immune, in fact, became genuine venom addicts and could not get along without this poison.

Note that herbs are defined as “real medicines.” As well, plants and trees are also noted for having medicinal qualities. Does United States government and medical industry much respect herbs, plants, and trees for their medicinal qualities? Do we spend much money studying these non patentable blessings!?! To what degree does the United States actually criminalize the use and investigation of herbal remedies? What are the spiritual implications for a society that does this? Does this mean that prophets are needed to address these problems? Do the doctors and other people who have put their professions and reputations on the line count as modern-day prophets in this regard? Do we recognize and tune-in to people acting out these roles?

(90:2.9)  Ever and anon, true prophets and teachers arose to denounce and expose shamanism. Even the vanishing red man had such a prophet within the past hundred years, the Shawnee Tenskwatawa, who predicted the eclipse of the sun in 1806 and denounced the vices of the white man. Many true teachers have appeared among the various tribes and races all through the long ages of evolutionary history. And they will ever continue to appear to challenge the shamans or priests of any age who oppose general education and attempt to thwart scientific progress.

See also Topical Studies: Mysticism and Entheogens and Bob Marley: the Prophesied Musician-Prophet.

Sunlight, Ultraviolet Light, and Ozone

In light of what has already been covered, regarding chemical formulas and health issues, consider these teachings about sunlight, ultraviolet light, and ozone:

(66:5.20)  The great obstacle in the way of promoting hygiene among these ignorant peoples consisted in the fact that the real causes of many diseases were too small to be seen by the naked eye, and also because they all held fire in superstitious regard. It required thousands of years to persuade them to burn refuse. In the meantime they were urged to bury their decaying rubbish. The great sanitary advance of this epoch came from the dissemination of knowledge regarding the health-giving and disease-destroying properties of sunlight.

(42:5.9)  7. The ultraviolet or chemical rays of sunlight and the various mechanical productions.

(49:2.22)  5. The electric types. The electric, magnetic, and electronic behavior of the worlds varies greatly. There are ten designs of mortal life variously fashioned to withstand the differential energy of the spheres. These ten varieties also react in slightly different ways to the chemical rays of ordinary sunlight. But these slight physical variations in no way affect the intellectual or the spiritual life.

(64:5.3)  These Sangik children, nineteen in number, were not only intelligent above their fellows, but their skins manifested a unique tendency to turn various colors upon exposure to sunlight. Among these nineteen children were five red, two orange, four yellow, two green, four blue, and two indigo. These colors became more pronounced as the children grew older, and when these youths later mated with their fellow tribesmen, all of their offspring tended toward the skin color of the Sangik parent.

The next paragraph contains four of the five references to ozone and three of the four references to ultraviolet, plus the one use of vitamin(s).

(58:2.2)  The earth’s atmosphere is all but opaque to much of the solar radiation at the extreme ultraviolet end of the spectrum. Most of these short wave lengths are absorbed by a layer of ozone which exists throughout a level about ten miles above the surface of the earth, and which extends spaceward for another ten miles. The ozone permeating this region, at conditions prevailing on the earth’s surface, would make a layer only one tenth of an inch thick; nevertheless, this relatively small and apparently insignificant amount of ozone protects Urantia inhabitants from the excess of these dangerous and destructive ultraviolet radiations present in sunlight. But were this ozone layer just a trifle thicker, you would be deprived of the highly important and health-giving ultraviolet rays which now reach the earth’s surface, and which are ancestral to one of the most essential of your vitamins.

(58:2.4)  Your sun pours forth a veritable flood of death-dealing rays, and your pleasant life on Urantia is due to the “fortuitous” influence of more than two-score apparently accidental protective operations similar to the action of this unique ozone layer.

The scope of this study aid is not intended to include a thorough review of issues and information beyond the four corners of The Urantia Book. Consider what is being offered below as the tip of an iceberg, intended to inspire deeper study.

Consider what one of the world’s leading scientists, Nikola Tesla, had to say about ultraviolet light and ozone in the early 1900’s. From

Healing Power of Ultraviolet Rays
What would you say if healthcare authorities started to promote ultraviolet light as a cancer treatment, or prescribe regular exposure to sunshine as vital to our survival? The fact is – there is a historical basis for these health therapies. I uncovered it during my 10-year journey to produce a documentary film that explores the lost healing machines of Nikola Tesla. This article is about the remarkable healing power of ultraviolet light.”

“In 1901, Tesla invented a device that produced ultraviolet light when activated by coils in a “high-frequency apparatus,” a device capable of producing bolts of lightning. … A portable medical device based on this apparatus called ‘The Violet Ray’ was eventually offered for sale to the public.”

“In 1906, Tesla formed the Tesla Ozone Company and patented a machine with a fan that forced air through arcing coils of ultraviolet light. This worked to ozonate the air such that it acquired antiseptic properties which could be used to kill germs. When filtered though olive oil, the ozonated air could be inhaled to treat lung disease. Since this process gave the oil medicinal qualities, it was made available to doctors to treat diseases of the skin.”

In the 1990’s, destruction of the ozone layer was a major topic of conversation. It is still an ongoing challenge that has not been fixed. From NASA’s website:

“The ozone layer—the portion of the stratosphere that protects our planet from the Sun’s ultraviolet rays—thins to form an “ozone hole” above the South Pole every September. Chemically active forms of chlorine and bromine in the atmosphere, derived from human-produced compounds, attach to high-altitude polar clouds each southern winter. The reactive chlorine and bromine then initiate ozone-destroying reactions as the Sun rises at the end of Antarctica’s winter.”

“The annual Antarctic ozone hole reached an average area of 23.2 million square kilometers between September 7, 2022, and October 13, 2022. This depleted area of the ozone layer over the South Pole was slightly smaller than the average for the same period last year and generally continued the overall shrinking trend of recent years.”

Ozone depletion is a whale of a problem still, according to this 2010 article on whales in Mexico getting sunburn:

“In these ozone-depleted times, most of us reach for a T-shirt or a bottle of sunscreen to protect us from the sun’s ultraviolet radiation. Whales don’t have those luxuries—and they’re paying the price. Researchers have found numerous cases of sunburned and blistered skin on whales in the wild, sparking concern that the thinned ozone layer may be causing skin cancer in these animals.

“”Most people think that whales can’t get sunburned because of their dark skins,” says Karina Acevedo-Whitehouse, a wildlife molecular epidemiologist at the Institute of Zoology in London. “But in the last decade, there have been increasing reports about skin lesions on whales and dolphins.” Although some of the lesions may be due to pathogens, such as fungi and viruses, Acevedo-Whitehouse thought it likely that ultraviolet radiation (UVR) plays a role, too. UVR produces specific changes, including DNA damage, in skin cells, making it possible to identify the sun as the culprit.”

This 2023 BBC article reviews the history and issues in detail.

Consider that Al Gore used climate change to justify continuing his political life, after failing to speak plainly about and stand up to election fraud issues. Note how prior to this, the environmental movement focused on a wide range of specific and immediate environmental concerns. Ozone was one of them, leading to the Montreal Protocol. There was also the Clean Water Act, Clean Air Act, identification and clean up of toxic Superfund Sites. Was this redirecting move part of a plan? Does making an angry budding adolescent the spokesperson for serious environmental concerns reflect tempered wisdom or an antiauthoritarian (Luciferian) play on emotions? What does it mean to normalize an adolescent talking down to adults about controversial scientific and political issues?

With over sixty-five years of scientific development since The Urantia Book’s publication, what information is available and how does the United States communicate to the public about “highly important and health-giving ultraviolet rays?” From

Sunlight ultraviolet radiation dose is negatively correlated with the percent positive of SARS-CoV-2 and four other common human coronaviruses in the U.S

Human coronaviruses are RNA viruses that are sensitive to ultraviolet (UV) radiation. Sunlight contains UVA (320-400 nm), UVB (260-320 nm) and UVC (200-260 nm) action spectra. UVC can inactivate coronaviruses, including severe acute respiratory syndrome-coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2). The incidence and mortality of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) are considered to be correlated with vitamin D levels. Vitamin D synthesis in human skin is closely related to exposure to UVB radiation. Therefore, the incidence and mortality of COVID-19 are also considered to be correlated with Vitamin D levels. In this study, Spearman and Kendall rank correlation analysis tests were used to analyze the correlation between the average percent positive of five human coronaviruses (SARS-CoV-2, CoVHKU1, CoVNL63, CoVOC43, and CoV229E) in the U.S. and the corresponding sunlight UV radiation dose. The results indicated that the monthly average percent positive of four common coronaviruses was significantly negatively correlated with the sunlight UV radiation dose. The weekly percent positive of SARS-CoV-2 during April 17, 2020 to July 10, 2020 showed a significant negative correlation with the sunlight UV radiation dose in census regions 1 and 2 of the U.S. while no statistical significance in the other regions. Additionally, sunlight UV radiation also showed some negative effects with respect to the early SARS-CoV-2 transmission.” [Emphasis added.]


Ultraviolet Radiation and SARS-CoV-2 Coronavirus

“Q: Can UVC lamps inactivate the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus?

“A: UVC radiation is a known disinfectant for air, water, and nonporous surfaces. UVC radiation has effectively been used for decades to reduce the spread of bacteria, such as tuberculosis. For this reason, UVC lamps are often called “germicidal” lamps.

“UVC radiation has been shown to destroy the outer protein coating of the SARS-Coronavirus, which is a different virus from the current SARS-CoV-2 virus. The destruction ultimately leads to inactivation of the virus. (See Far-UVC light (222 nm) efficiently and safely inactivates airborne human coronaviruses. See also External Link Disclaimer.). UVC radiation may also be effective in inactivating the SARS-CoV-2 virus, which is the virus that causes the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19). For more information see “Q: Where can I read more about UV radiation and disinfection?”. However, currently there is limited published data about the wavelength, dose, and duration of UVC radiation required to inactivate the SARS-CoV-2 virus.

“In addition to understanding whether UVC radiation is effective at inactivating a particular virus, there are also limitations to how effective UVC radiation can be at inactivating viruses, generally.

    • Direct exposure: UVC radiation can only inactivate a virus if the virus is directly exposed to the radiation. Therefore, the inactivation of viruses on surfaces may not be effective due to blocking of the UV radiation by soil, such as dust, or other contaminants such as bodily fluids.
    • Dose and duration: Many of the UVC lamps sold for home use are of low dose, so it may take longer exposure to a given surface area to potentially provide effective inactivation of a bacteria or virus.

“UVC radiation is commonly used inside air ducts to disinfect the air. This is the safest way to employ UVC radiation because direct UVC exposure to human skin or eyes may cause injuries, and installation of UVC within an air duct is less likely to cause exposure to skin and eyes.”

How much is the efficacy of ordinary sunlight, vitamin D, and ultraviolet light discussed by US government officials and the media regarding COVID-19 infection?

Things We Can Do

On the surface, the obvious thing that we can do regarding the advancement of medical science is to work with Urantia Book teachings. What would that look like? What can we do about it?

What other teachings apply to this subject?

Heal the sick

Interestingly, in a section on prayer, various types of problems are identified:

(91:6.2)  Prayer is not a technique for curing real and organic diseases, but it has contributed enormously to the enjoyment of abundant health and to the cure of numerous mental, emotional, and nervous ailments. And even in actual bacterial disease, prayer has many times added to the efficacy of other remedial procedures. Prayer has turned many an irritable and complaining invalid into a paragon of patience and made him an inspiration to all other human sufferers.

Note the distinction between organic vs. bacterial disease. Why are the words real and actual used to emphasize these differences? Why is it that with organic disease, prayer only reaches as far as curing “mental, emotional, and nervous ailments,” while with bacterial disease prayer gets “added to the efficacy of other remedial procedures?”

Is it being suggested, presumably because of the Lucifer rebellion and Adamic default, that a special ministry of mercy attends the appeals of the faithful regarding diseases that are exacerbated due to failures of previous celestial administrations? Is this an issue that especially appealed to Jesus’ heart during his life in the flesh?

(145:3.13)  Chiefly because of this unintended demonstration of physical healing, henceforth, throughout the remainder of his earth career, Jesus became as much a physician as a preacher. True, he continued his teaching, but his personal work consisted mostly in ministering to the sick and the distressed, while his apostles did the work of public preaching and baptizing believers.

Jesus said to the apostles,

(140:3.2)  “I send you forth to proclaim liberty to the spiritual captives, joy to those in the bondage of fear, and to heal the sick in accordance with the will of my Father in heaven.

Given the context of Jesus’ life and relationship with the apostles, are miracles of healing implied by “in accordance with the will of my Father in heaven?” And if so, how might this relate to the Adamic default and the distinction about bacterial disease? How are such considerations to be integrated with this teaching:

(163:4.1)  … Early that morning, in his last talk with the seventy, Jesus placed emphasis on the following:
(163:4.3)  2. While ministering to the sick, refrain from teaching the expectation of miracles.

Jesus could have said, “heal the sick and the injured.” Are God’s creative powers and merciful ministrations withheld from the injured? What percentage of injuries are the natural consequences of poor choices and is this something for the apostles to address, while spreading the gospel?

In sharp contrast, health (and other) problems related to the Lucifer rebellion and Adamic default are something the apostles would (and all of us do, generally) have to face. In the very next Paper we have:

(141:4.4)  At this same time Jesus began to teach the twelve more fully concerning their mission “to comfort the afflicted and minister to the sick.” The Master taught them much about the whole man—the union of body, mind, and spirit to form the individual man or woman.
(141:4.9)  From week to week and from month to month, throughout this entire year, the apostles paid more and more attention to the healing ministry of the sick.

Do miracles of healing have to be complete and total? Would incomplete and less dramatic merciful ministrations of healing power be likely to create less social problems in many circumstances? Suffice it to say that thronged is used five times in connection with crowd reactions to Jesus’ healing ministries.

Procreate wisely

In the next three paragraphs, the implications for individually practicing and collectively engineering wise and compassionate genetic plans for social evolution are as obvious as they are challenging to discuss:

(52:5.9)  During this era the problems of disease and delinquency are virtually solved. Degeneracy has already been largely eliminated by selective reproduction. Disease has been practically mastered through the high resistant qualities of the Adamic strains and by the intelligent and world-wide application of the discoveries of the physical sciences of preceding ages. The average length of life, during this period, climbs well above the equivalent of three hundred years of Urantia time.

(76:4.7) The body cells of the Material Sons [Adam and Eve] and their progeny are far more resistant to disease than are those of the evolutionary beings indigenous to the planet. The body cells of the native races are akin to the living disease-producing microscopic and ultramicroscopic organisms of the realm. These facts explain why the Urantia peoples must do so much by way of scientific effort to withstand so many physical disorders. You would be far more disease resistant if your races carried more of the Adamic life.

(49:1.7)  The process of planetary evolution is orderly and controlled. The development of higher organisms from lower groupings of life is not accidental. Sometimes evolutionary progress is temporarily delayed by the destruction of certain favorable lines of life plasm carried in a selected species. It often requires ages upon ages to recoup the damage occasioned by the loss of a single superior strain of human heredity. These selected and superior strains of living protoplasm should be jealously and intelligently guarded when once they make their appearance. And on most of the inhabited worlds these superior potentials of life are valued much more highly than on Urantia.

How much disease resistant genetics are still available for emphasis in the current population? How inefficient and costly is it to try to achieve scientifically what can be achieved through wise and compassionate procreation choices, customs, and policies?

Reflections on Permissions and Limitations

Consider the five reasons given for why “revelations are of immense value” in the context of this topic. Note how everyone of them is important to the discussion.

(101:4.5)  … revelations are of immense value in that they at least transiently clarify knowledge by:
(101:4.6)  1. The reduction of confusion by the authoritative elimination of error.
(101:4.7)  2. The co-ordination of known or about-to-be-known facts and observations.
(101:4.8)  3. The restoration of important bits of lost knowledge concerning epochal transactions in the distant past.
(101:4.9)  4. The supplying of information which will fill in vital missing gaps in otherwise earned knowledge.
(101:4.10)  5. Presenting cosmic data in such a manner as to illuminate the spiritual teachings contained in the accompanying revelation.

Consider the wisdom and literary artistry evidenced in how the revelators work with revelatory permissions and limitations.


This spreadsheet was created as part of the development of the study aid. Notations that are in bold and italic combined are used to indicate that these references contain all the usages of a particular word. In an effort to narrow the visual field, some columns have more than one reference.

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