This study aid is rooted in comments, made in talks by Bill Sadler, Jr. and others, concerning communication through the sleeping subject that were used to develop the text of The Urantia Book. Once the Forum was established, a more formalized process was engaged with the sleeping subject. Apparently, in the several years prior to the creation of the Forum, student visitors were allowed to participate in the process communicating through the sleeping subject.
I have heard the idea floated that the reason Daligastia also was left on the planet along with Caligastia may be related to student visitors joining the rebellion. This, in turn, raises the question of whether rebellious student visitors are still on the planet and working with Caligastia and Daligastia to disrupt the progress of the Urantia revelation. I do not have an opinion on this subject nor do I plan to form one. The creation of the study aid should not be taken as an implication about my beliefs.
However, the development of this study aid has generated a new perspective for me on what it would mean to disrupt the fifth epochal revelation in contrast to the second epochal revelation. Specifically, how does the issue of patience factor in to the wisdom governing these episodes in planetary assistance? What do the differences mean when it comes to spreading genetics and culture vs. a text that is provided in advance of the next visitation? Do these differences mean that a devilish plan for this revelation looks like slowing it down rather than speeding it up?
Did decades of necessary secrecy prior to publication and the need to work with people who could patiently keep a secret mean that these individuals were also destined to be ill-suited for also helping to spread the revelation? Were they ripe for falling for a devilish plan to slow down the spread of the revelation?
Significant problems developed in the Urantia community related to the most charismatic leader of the Urantia movement, Vern Grimsley, when he claimed to get spirit messages about the possibility of a World War III. This raises questions about how the right people might have been brought together but were unable to make it work, perhaps due to rebellious spiritual influences still resident on the planet?
Also, consider that Clyde Bedell, the world’s best salesman, was one of the first Forum members. He created the Concordex, which became the movement’s most widely used hard copy study aid. A few editions of the Concordex were published decades before Urantia Foundation ever followed through with their promise at the time of publication to provide an index. Urantia Foundation included a statement with the original 1955 publication about their intention to provide an index. And monies were early donated for this purpose.
Clyde and Urantia Foundation had a lot of trouble working together regarding distribution of the Concordex. Not surprisingly, the world’s best salesman created a product that would significantly increase sales, if it sat on bookstore shelves next to The Urantia Book.
All of this raises questions about whether spiritual guidance brought the right people together but circumstances, personal dispositions, and, perhaps in some cases, the influence of bad celestial actors drove them apart.
This study aid was developed in conjunction with the Topical Study: February 11, making it also an outgrowth of the Topical Study: 100 Years of Evolution and the Urantia Revelation. Bold is used for editorial emphasis.
Student Visitors and Archangel Headquarters
(48:3.10) 3. Hosts to Celestial Visitors. These gracious creatures are dedicated to the entertainment of the superhuman groups of student visitors and other celestials who may chance to sojourn on the transition worlds. You will have ample opportunity to visit within any realm you have experientially attained. Student visitors are allowed on all inhabited planets, even those in isolation.
(35:3.22) The highest course of training in universe administration is given by the Melchizedeks on their home world. This College of High Ethics is presided over by the original Father Melchizedek. It is to these schools that the various universes send exchange students. While the young universe of Nebadon stands low in the scale of universes as regards spiritual achievement and high ethical development, nevertheless, our administrative troubles have so turned the whole universe into a vast clinic for other near-by creations that the Melchizedek colleges are thronged with student visitors and observers from other realms. Besides the immense group of local registrants there are always upward of one hundred thousand foreign students in attendance upon the Melchizedek schools, for the order of Melchizedeks in Nebadon is renowned throughout all Splandon.
(37:3.3) The archangel corps of Nebadon is directed by the first-born of this order, and in more recent times a divisional headquarters of the archangels has been maintained on Urantia. It is this unusual fact that soon arrests the attention of extra-Nebadon student visitors. Among their early observations of intrauniverse transactions is the discovery that many ascendant activities of the Brilliant Evening Stars are directed from the capital of a local system, Satania. On further examination they discover that certain archangel activities are directed from a small and apparently insignificant inhabited world called Urantia. And then ensues the revelation of Michael’s bestowal on Urantia and their immediately quickened interest in you and your lowly sphere.
(39:4.15) 5. The Transporters. These are the transport seraphim who function in the local systems. In Satania, your system, they carry passengers back and forth from Jerusem and otherwise serve as interplanetary transporters. Seldom does a day pass in which a transport seraphim of Satania does not deposit some student visitor or some other traveler of spirit or semispirit nature on the shores of Urantia. These very space traversers will sometime carry you to and from the various worlds of the system headquarters group, and when you have finished the Jerusem assignment, they will carry you forward to Edentia. But under no circumstances will they carry you backward to the world of human origin. A mortal never returns to his native planet during the dispensation of his temporal existence, and if he should return during a subsequent dispensation, he would be escorted by a transport seraphim of the universe headquarters group.
(114:5.5) Each administrative day on Urantia begins with a consultative conference, which is attended by the governor general, the planetary chief of archangels, the Most High observer, the supervising supernaphim, the chief of resident Life Carriers, and invited guests from among the high Sons of the universe or from among certain of the student visitors who may chance to be sojourning on the planet.
(66:2.1) The Planetary Prince of Urantia was not sent out on his mission alone but was accompanied by the usual corps of assistants and administrative helpers.
(66:2.2) At the head of this group was Daligastia, the associate-assistant of the Planetary Prince. Daligastia was also a secondary Lanonandek Son, being number 319,407 of that order. He ranked as an assistant at the time of his assignment as Caligastia’s associate.
(53:8.6) The last act of Michael before leaving Urantia was to offer mercy to Caligastia and Daligastia, but they spurned his tender proffer. Caligastia, your apostate Planetary Prince, is still free on Urantia to prosecute his nefarious designs, but he has absolutely no power to enter the minds of men, neither can he draw near to their souls to tempt or corrupt them unless they really desire to be cursed with his wicked presence.
(53:8.7) Before the bestowal of Michael these rulers of darkness sought to maintain their authority on Urantia, and they persistently withstood the minor and subordinate celestial personalities. But since the day of Pentecost this traitorous Caligastia and his equally contemptible associate, Daligastia, are servile before the divine majesty of the Paradise Thought Adjusters and the protective Spirit of Truth, the spirit of Michael, which has been poured out upon all flesh.
(73:2.5) Although Caligastia and Daligastia had been deprived of much of their power for evil, they did everything possible to frustrate and hamper the work of preparing the Garden. But their evil machinations were largely offset by the faithful activities of the almost ten thousand loyal midway creatures who so tirelessly labored to advance the enterprise.
(74:5.5) Adam made a heroic and determined effort to establish a world government, but he met with stubborn resistance at every turn. Adam had already put in operation a system of group control throughout Eden and had federated all of these companies into the Edenic league. But trouble, serious trouble, ensued when he went outside the Garden and sought to apply these ideas to the outlying tribes. The moment Adam’s associates began to work outside the Garden, they met the direct and well-planned resistance of Caligastia and Daligastia. The fallen Prince had been deposed as world ruler, but he had not been removed from the planet. He was still present on earth and able, at least to some extent, to resist all of Adam’s plans for the rehabilitation of human society. Adam tried to warn the races against Caligastia, but the task was made very difficult because his archenemy was invisible to the eyes of mortals.
(75:2.1) Caligastia paid frequent visits to the Garden and held many conferences with Adam and Eve, but they were adamant to all his suggestions of compromise and short-cut adventures. They had before them enough of the results of rebellion to produce effective immunity against all such insinuating proposals. Even the young offspring of Adam were uninfluenced by the overtures of Daligastia. And of course neither Caligastia nor his associate had power to influence any individual against his will, much less to persuade the children of Adam to do wrong. [Just having fun noting that Adam was adamant.]
(75:3.6) It should again be emphasized that Serapatatia was altogether honest and wholly sincere in all that he proposed. He never once suspected that he was playing into the hands of Caligastia and Daligastia. Serapatatia was entirely loyal to the plan of building up a strong reserve of the violet race before attempting the world-wide upstepping of the confused peoples of Urantia. But this would require hundreds of years to consummate, and he was impatient; he wanted to see some immediate results—something in his own lifetime. He made it clear to Eve that Adam was oftentimes discouraged by the little that had been accomplished toward uplifting the world.