Sometimes It’s Hard
To Make Sense Of Diversity
Recent research on four ancient skulls found in Mexico present a degree of diversity that is hard to explain without The Urantia Book. This research is annotated at 79:5.6-9.

Just annotations page. (Scroll down to 79:5.6-9.)

Or, if you have a full computer screen, here is the two-column,annotations next to the text page. (Hopefully, this will take you there directly.)

And for those who got busy and never found out from the last email what the ancient “H” symbolizes, here is that link again. (I think it symbolizes where the a pair of chromosomes are joined, especially regarding conception.)

The Ancient Scientific Teachings and Spiritual Practices section of the Gobekli Tepe Report has been rewritten and includes a new image (not the one seen here). The one shown here shows you the symbol that I interpreted in the rewrite of this section. The section above this has been revised a bit, also.
In harmony,

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