What every new lawyer needs to know:
All That You Have Is Your Soul

The Urantia Book Historical Society needs to digitize some old tapes of notable talks. Helping out with this project has given me the opportunity to do the same with my cassettes, too!

A tape from my last year in law school with a song I played for our yearly talent show was rediscovered. I picked a Tracy Chapman tune—All That You Have Is Your Soul.

At the time, giving this particular audience as much opportunity as possible to reflect on the message seemed like a real good idea. So, I played it slow.

If you’re going to check it out, I suggest not being in a hurry because the song certainly isn’t. It’s played to make a few minutes feel like an eternity on purpose. (Of course, just being a mediocre musician is all that’s needed to make a few minutes seem like an eternity. It really doesn’t take any extra effort. But for budding young lawyers, I felt an extra effort should be made.)

Wishing you all a most Merry Christmas!

In harmony (more or less),

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