Serving up a delicious new Topical Study,
gravy, side dishes, and desert included.

Both “prayer of thanksgiving” and “prayers of thanksgiving” only appear once. Fortunately for us, the former is first mentioned in a discussion about mysticism that discourages fasting. Celebrating Thanksgiving sure does seem to do a good job of fixing this problem. (Is that why the fixins are called fixins? Hmmmm.)

The “prayers of thanksgiving” quote, of course, could not be better wisdom for the holiday, as it makes the point that “Prayers of thanksgiving are appropriate for groups of worshipers, . . .” That teaching sure does sound just right for the occasion … thank God!

The Topical Study: Thanksgiving presents the twelve paragraphs in which “thanksgiving” is used fourteen times.

(Integrating these quotes into the annotations will take some time. I will continue working on that as soon as I send out the email. Figured some people might want to use this Topical Study in preparation for their Thanksgiving celebration, so I’m putting the email out about the Topical Study in advance of doing the annotation work.)

I always loved the way Thanksgiving stands as a spiritual holiday for all religions, even though it is a national holiday. The story concerns the birth of new nation but the message is universal and eternal. Since childhood, I always understood it this way. And that’s why Thanksgiving has always been my favorite holiday.

Love the way tryptophan and starches go so well with feelings of peace on earth and goodwill among men. Sounds like divine harmony to me.

Thank God for Thanksgiving! Hope you’re having a happy one!

In harmony,

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