General Information

If you are unfamiliar with the history of humanity presented in The Urantia Book, you may want to start by reviewing Genetic Introductions, Mutations, and Evolution: a Urantia Book perspective.

The short version is that the human genetic mutation occurred 1,000,000 years ago, which is termed Andonite. The mutation did not produce sufficient intelligence for civilization to develop. Another mutation occurred 500,000 years ago near Afghanistan, giving rise to six colored races. To greater and lesser degrees, all of these races possessed sufficient intelligence for the development of civilization. Genetic develops occurred around 200,000 years ago and 37,000 years ago that do not summarize easily. But suffice it to say, these relate to the Nodites and Adamites, respectively. The mix of Nodite and Adamite is termed Andite. Nodites relates to our poorly preserved records of the Nephilim, who, during the times of Adam, had a cultural center known as the Land of Nod.

View a pdf of the UBtheNEWS presentation of this research page.

See also: UBtheNEWS: Adam and Eve Report.


1/8/2020 (Thanks goes to Luis Marco for sending me a link to this research.)
Genetics research out of UC Davis in 2019 provides powerful support for assertions in The Urantia Book about when the Sangik races mutated and when the beginning of the Neanderthals should be identified.

From the UC Davis announcement:

“Centromeres sit in the middle of chromosomes, the pinched-in “waist” in the image of a chromosome from a biology textbook. The centromere anchors the fibers that pull chromosomes apart when cells divide, which means they are really important for understanding what happens when cell division goes wrong, leading to cancer or genetic defects.  . . .

“In the X chromosome in these genome sequences, they found several major centromeric haplotypes representing lineages stretching back a half a million years. In the genome as a whole, most of the diversity is seen among African genomes consistent with the more recent spread of humans out of the African continent. One of the oldest centromere haplotype lineages was not carried by those early emigrants.

“In chromosome 11, they found highly diverged haplotypes of Neanderthal DNA in non-African genomes. These haplotypes diverged between 700,000 to a million years ago, around the time the ancestors of Neanderthals split from other human ancestors. The centromere of chromosome 12 also contains an even more ancient, archaic haplotype that appears to be derived from an unknown relative.”

Compare that with this:

(64:3.5)  850,000 years ago the superior Badonan tribes began a warfare of extermination directed against their inferior and animalistic neighbors. In less than one thousand years most of the borderland animal groups of these regions had been either destroyed or driven back to the southern forests. This campaign for the extermination of inferiors brought about a slight improvement in the hill tribes of that age. And the mixed descendants of this improved Badonite stock appeared on the stage of action as an apparently new people—the Neanderthal race.

(64:5.1)  500,000 years ago the Badonan tribes of the northwestern highlands of India became involved in another great racial struggle. For more than one hundred years this relentless warfare raged, and when the long fight was finished, only about one hundred families were left. But these survivors were the most intelligent and desirable of all the then living descendants of Andon and Fonta.

(64:5.2)  And now, among these highland Badonites there was a new and strange occurrence. A man and woman living in the northeastern part of the then inhabited highland region began suddenly to produce a family of unusually intelligent children. This was the Sangik family, the ancestors of all of the six colored races of Urantia.

(64:5.3)  These Sangik children, nineteen in number, were not only intelligent above their fellows, but their skins manifested a unique tendency to turn various colors upon exposure to sunlight. Among these nineteen children were five red, two orange, four yellow, two green, four blue, and two indigo. These colors became more pronounced as the children grew older, and when these youths later mated with their fellow tribesmen, all of their offspring tended toward the skin color of the Sangik parent.


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