

  • The Contact button in the Main Menu now has a working link for sending emails.
  • Check the August Halbertcicles!
  • Check the March thru June Halbertcicles!
  • The Topical Studies section on “Prophecy, Melchizedek, and signs of the times”  is reorganized.
  • Check the Halbertcicles that grew immediately at my new rainbow-enlightened home in French Lick, IN.
  • Much thanks to RhonnaLeigh for the hat she knitted me and brought to the eclipse.


  • The following annotation has been added to select passages, sections, and papers. “See documentary film: The Hidden TRUTH of the Jesuits Infiltration of the World for a perspective on how democratic and antidemocratic forces have played out over the last 1500 years.”
  • Additional unrelated annotations for Miriam the prophetess, daughter of Aaron, and astronomy.
  • Etymology upgrades include additional links back to the text.
  • Check the June Halbertcicles. They are literally flipping out!


  • I finished a draft of Part 1 of Revelatory Permissions and Limitations this month. It relates to the psychosocial aspects of these teachings. Work on Part 2 begins, which will include a line-by-line analysis of Paper 101: Section 4.
  • This video by Steve Cioccolanti—Is the USA in the Bible? Great American Eclipses of 2017 & 2024 – Real End Time Signs?—is highly recommended. (Over 1 million views.) The Biblical perspective and education on Jewish tradition related to this subject is excellent. It was added to the Prophecy and “signs of the times” Topical Study.
  • New commentary and link to a NASA article for 15:4.7 annotation. Related to Andromeda and Edwin Hubble.
  • island universes  See 2017 ScienceNews article “An American astronomical evangelist coined the phrase ‘island universe’: Anniversary of Cincinnati astronomy society spotlights Civil War general Ormsby MacKnight Mitchel.”
  • Update completed to the UBtheNEWS: Garden of Eden report and research page. The impressiveness of this report increases as additional research in that region continues to progress.
  • This 30-minute video of Joseph Newman, explaining how he got the intellectual breakthrough that led to the development of his understanding of electromagnetics and his ability to build a machine based on that understanding, was added to the “Undiscovered” cross-reference study.
  • Home page re-do for SEO optimization and to improve the presentation.
  • Check the June Halbertcicles.
  • Improved dating technologies were applied to the Shroud, which support the possibility of its authenticity.
  • Annotations added at 52:7.13 for referenced Bible quotes.
  • Annotations added at 137:8.4 for referenced Bible quotes.
  • Some interview clips of me were used by a local news station, covering Easter Sunrise Service at Bald Knob Cross of Peace. There was much more opportunity to blow the shofar at this year’s celebration, compared to last year, and this was very well received, especially by a gentleman who sits on the Board of Directors. He clearly liked learning that my research strongly suggests Melchizedek will return with the next eclipse. So, let me take this opportunity to remind readers that a discussion about the second coming of Melchizedek, in general, tends to be far more interesting to most people than a discussion about the second coming of Jesus, thank God. Note how well this works with 137:8.4, 170:5.19, 52:7.11-15. Hope everyone had a wonderful Passover and Easter celebration!
  • New cross-reference study: Angel of the Lord. This developed as an outgrowth of Revelatory Permissions and Limitations.
  • This focus is being considered foundational to the development of a study aid for astronomy. The new Topical Study listed below by Chris Halvorson is also part of the effort to prepare a study aid for astronomy related issues.
  • New Topical Study: Intellectual Constancy by Chris Halvorson, including annotations.
  • Check the March Halbertcicles.
  • Pages for Saskia Raevouri and Matthew Block were added to the Other Scholars list. Additionally, Matthew advanced his work significantly since the time I started UBannotated and incorporated his efforts into the annotation pages. Consequently, an enormous amount of links to his work no longer worked and the “Additional notes” in the annotations did not list the additional references that he discovered. Bringing this up-to-date required work on about 100 annotation pages. If I missed anything or additional work creates dead links, please let me know.
  • New cross-reference study: Such An Age.
  • New cross-reference study: So-Called Science +.
  • New cross-reference study: Fourth Creatures.
  • Astronomy study aid development continues. A special musical treat awaits you now.
  • Image removed from Milky Way Galaxy cross-reference study as inconsistent with understandings being developed in the Astronomy study aid.
  • New Topical Study: Fun With Numbers And Dates.
  • An anonymous source sent me a cache of material related to the Andites traveling through Easter Island on their way to Peru. Along with adding this material, the introductory paragraphs the Migrations to the Americas page were improved.
  • The following annotation was added to 12:2.2—Consider as candidates for the two or three nebulae: Andromeda, Triangulum, and Centaurus A. See the Astronomy study aid for a deeper dive into this consideration.
  • Check the February Halbertcicles.
  • Annotation made at 12:4.15—See June 2020 article in Phys.org supporting the theory that the universe has been rotating from the beginning “An analysis of more than 200,000 spiral galaxies has revealed unexpected links between spin directions of galaxies, and the structure formed by these links might suggest that the early universe could have been spinning, according to a Kansas State University study.”
  • New Cross-Reference study: True and Genuine.
  • New Topical Study: Food For Thought.
  • Numerous upgrades and additions are being made to the Astronomy study aid.
  • News Research Page added for Ancient Chinese Pottery.
  • At 194:4.12 an annotation was added regarding the James Ossuary and the failed Israeli government effort to discredit it.
  • At 85:1.2 there is reference to a worshipped meteor that fell in Bengal in 1880. This annotation was added: meteor From Sky & Telescope: “On December 2, 1880, a 6-pound meteorite fell at the feet of two Brahmins near Andhra, India, who immediately proclaimed themselves as ministers of the “Miraculous God” and attracted up to 10,000 pilgrims a day.” (Thanks Nigel.)
  • Upgrades and additions were added to the Etymology page. It now begins with a cross-reference study for “World of the Cross” because of the way this plays into the “T” used in many words. Some work was done to compnlete the list of the seven nearest local universes. And the etymology of Ratta was redone both conceptually and to make the formatting consistent.
  • New Topical Study: Black-headed Sumerians kicks off a new category on the Topical Studies page—Mysteries Solved? You be the judge.
  • This Topical Study: Jesus Boat, by Saskia Raevouri, was added to five additional annotation pages, including a reference to the blue man as boatbuiders with a cross-reference to the Mary and Joseph’s genetic ancesty.
  • General interest prophecy validation: Isaiah 11:15 The Lord will dry up the gulf of the Egyptian sea; with a scorching wind he will sweep his hand over the Euphrates River. He will break it up into seven streams so that anyone can cross over in sandals. From EgyptToday: CAIRO – 6 May 2021: Since the beginning of May, catastrophic scenes of tremendous decline in water level of Euphrates, the longest river of Western Asia, became a meme on social media platforms. Under hashtag #الفرات_ينحسر (the Euphrates declines), Syrians posted photos of the water level of the river, showing how parts in along the river inside the Syrian lands dried up.
  • New Research Page: Plant Evolution. Thanks to JJ for the heads up on this one.
  • New cross-reference study: Far-Distant, which also includes far beyond and far out.
  • Revelation Permissions and Limitations was updated with commentary about how not inspired is sometimes misinterpreted by readers as a qualifying rather than emphasizing.
  • Three Halbertcicles added to the gallery for January 2022, including a new animal and a special visitor!
  • Added a link for the PDF that accompanied Dick Reim’s presentation on the Atom at the 2016 Foundation Scientific Symposium. See his Other Scholars page for more info.
  • Progress continues on the recently created Topical Study: Astronomy. Continued thanks goes to Nigel Nunn and others for their help with this. A new section has been added for the relationship between Orvonton and Andromeda.
  • This statement has been removed from the Introduction to Genetic Introductions, Mutations, and Evolution: a Urantia Book perspective.”Progressively reduce the use of animals for energy. Minimize the significant challenges associated with managing living and dead livestock.” It seemed there might be an unintended implication that we are to evolve towards vegetarianism, which is not a UB teaching. See: 52:3.9. And issues related to animals for energy is not developed in the rest of the study aid, reflecting the limited discussion of the subject found in the UB. Upon reflection, it seems tangential and overstated.
  • A new Topical Study—Reader Captivation Phrases—spilled out of the Revelation Permissions and Limitations study, referenced several entries below.
  • Rupert Sheldrake – The Science Delusion This 45-minute discussion on the weaknesses of a materialist scientific perspective still needs to be annotated. So, this is a heads-up placeholder update.
  • Added to the Topical Study: Saints, Prophets, Seers, and Heralds:
    With respect to a prophet being an “inspired teacher or proclaimer of the will of God,” consider what one interview got as last words from Bob Marley to his fans: “The voice to the people that love life, inside of them that talks to them, you know, that is the voice that these people must listen to. Because in everything you’re going to do, there’s a wrong way and a right way. And if you listen good, you will know the right way. You know? Because there’s a voice inside talking to everyone … seeing … seeing …”
  • Revelation Permissions and Limitations is a new Topical Study. It will take some time to develop this. Feel free to get in touch, if you have thoughts about how to make it better.
  • Annotation added at 61:7.11: another glacial age  See Jan. 16, 2022 educational video about Thwaites Glacier. Consider that rising sea levels is a distinct issue from whether there will be another glacial age.
  • Highly recommended: A copyright and trademark infringement lawsuit in the 1990’s filed by Urantia Foundation against Kristen Maaherra (now Kristen Michaels) led to her creation of a 26-page history. If you want to learn about the history of The Urantia Book, this is a great place to get started because it is detailed, efficient, and created with the rigors and consequences of legal scrutiny in mind. This now leads off the page dedicated to Urantia Book history.
    Origin of the Urantia Papers: How were the Papers Materialized? by Kristen Maaherra, November 14, 1997.
  • New etymology for Fortant and Hanavard.
  • A unique and extraordinary expression of Halbertcicles completed the year. Check it out!


  • David Neufer was added to the Other Scholars section.
  • A link to a Webster’s 1913 dictionary was added to the Study Aids page.
  • Which came first—the chicken or the egg? It looks like we have an answer, of sorts. The egg wins. An annotation at 60:3.22 was added for the discovery of a dinosaur egg with an embryo that exhibits a bird-like posture.
  • The Topical Study: Christ Michael and Jewish Messiah is a good start was upgraded with an improved introductory paragraph and a link to a UBtheNEWS email, in which I offered additional thoughts on the subject.
  • Made first entry for Other Non UB Scholars: Brien Foerster. Related annotation work has been started.
  • A Topical Study: Unborn Children by Chris Halvorson was added to the Topical Studies page, along with related annotations.
  • A Topical Study by Chris Halvorson was added, along with numerous annotations. It concerns Sangiks and Adjutant Mind Spirits. This comes highly recommended.
  • The final chapters were added to Kerry Watson’s autobiography. This effort to share Kerry autobiograph inspired a successful effort to contact Kerry’s son. The satisfactions of that experience relieved of feeling an emotional need to post reading of the chapters on the UBtheNEWS YouTube channel. So, I took down the ones that were posted. Sorry if you were hoping for a completed reading. At least, now you can read the entirety of this version.
  • Added a link for The Snowflake Mystery documentary to the Halbertcicles page and related annotation pages.
  • Additional entry made for the Topical Study: Two or (three/more), plus. It relates to Islamic teachings on the subject. A lead-in quote was added and headings were refined.
  • Added November Halbertcicles, which were incredible. I also filled in years 2012-2015, which are even more incredible, except that, sadly, there were none to offer from 2013.
Worth checking out
  • Annotations at 2:6.3 and 131:52 added to upgrade an attempt by Doc Sadler to identify source material.
  • Etymology of Coined Terminology link placed at the top of all annotation pages that had etymology annotations. This allows for both an organized presentation of coined words and improvements to be made without having to make change on numerous annotation pages. Additional refinements to all annotation pages also were made during this process–removal of dead links, organizational and formatting consistency, adding links to the text, etc.
  • beyond human (comprehension, imagination, understanding) cross-reference study posted and integrated into annotations.
  • Text references in several cross-reference studies had links to text added and links on related annotations pages were also created.
  • Added etymology for Urantia to the Home page.
  • Developed Halbertcicle pages, which link off the Bio.
  • Refined Topical Studies page and added links for Richard Daunt’s “Afterlife” study, which got upgraded with embedded links.
  • Primary pages were added to and otherwise improved, including content changes and some of the links being re-structured. For instance, the Trail Tales from the early days of UBtheNEWS are now available at the bottom of this page. And a column of the Study Aids page is now dedicated to Other Scholars, where they are listed individually. Create Bio on More About Halbert page.
  • Home page refinements. Main menu and other layout links adjusted for more efficient access to primary sources of information.
  • Improvements made to the Topical Study: Who Is Mansant?
  • New UBtheNEWS: Gautama Siddhartha research page.
  • Note article in The New Yorker by Gideon Lewis-Kraus: Can Progressives Be Convinced That Genetics Matters? “The behavior geneticist Kathryn Paige Harden is waging a two-front campaign: on her left are those who assume that genes are irrelevant, on her right those who insist that they’re everything.”
  • Reference to Jesus’ Women’s Corps of authorized gospel teachers is added to the Home page. Plus additional Home page refinements.
  • Creation of Migration to the Americas research page. This integrates and updates a number of different UBtheNEWS reports and research pages.
  • New video posted to the UBtheNEWS YouTube channel: Jazz Shofar for Theo, 1st movement: The Light Behind the Darkness.








Bald Knob Cross of Peace August 21, 2017 Trip Report and Reflections

Projects, Politics, and Prophecy

UBtheNEWS Trail Tales

Before developing an email list for UBtheNEWS, people were kept informed of my adventures on the road through “Trail Tales,” which were periodically posted to the UBtheNEWS website:

©2025 by Halbert Katzen  ·  Privacy Policy